Chapter 10

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🌼Asia Dee🌼

"Ok Ms. Asia Dee, I will have everything set up for you. You already confirmed you are absolutely positive you want to do this and go through with this." My family lawyer Ms. Jones said. "Okay, thank you so much." I said standing as she did as we shook hands with smiles.

"Ms. Jones, what are you doing here?" Christina asked with a smile walking and giving her a hug. "Well I'm just discussing with your sister, about her starting her own career. Getting from under the shadow of you and your father, I know you're proud of her." Ms. Jones said and Christina gave a fake smile.

"Yes, I really am, I tell her all the time that I am." She said and I rolled my eyes. "Well you ladies have a goodnight, and I'll get right on everything tomorrow morning." Ms. Jones said as I stood to take her to the door, with Christina hot on my heels.

As soon as I let Ms. Jones out and closed the door, I turned around to see Christina standing there with her arms crossed and lips pursed. "What?" I asked annoyed. "So when were you going to tell me you were thinking about going solo?" She asked and I shrugged. "I didn't think I would have to have permission or run anything past you before doing what I want." I said and she laughing as if I said something wrong.

"But let it would've been me who had done that, you would be fucking losing your mind!" She said raising her voice. "Let's get back to reality sweetheart, you already went solo!" I said raising my voice. "But at least I told you before bringing any lawyers into it.

I told you before I told dad, before I told almost everyone. You were the first to know when I officially confirmed that I wanted to go solo and would.  But when you are ready to do it I'm the fucking last to find out, and to top it off, you weren't even going to tell me. I had to find out by walking in on your little master plan." She said even louder.

"Why do you care? Why do you want to know anyways?" I asked confused and irritated all in one. "I thought I could trust my sister more, but I guess I can't." She said rolling her eyes. "You have really been a bitch lately Chris, and I'm tired of it. We just need some time apart. So why not start with our modeling?" I asked and she kept stomping up the stairs.

"Fuck it Asia, I don't give a fuck anymore, it's not like I can tell you about my day and what I've been through like I would love to, but you might just throw that in my face too." She said and I rolled my eyes. I walked upstairs ten minutes after her, to only see her coming out of her room with a bag.

"Where are you going?" I heard my father ask. "Aubrey's house," she said and I walked past her as she stood still ready to face my father. "No, you two have a photoshoot tomorrow and I need you on time this time." He said and she rolled her eyes.

"I will be on time dad," she said and he shook his head. "No," he said and she rolled her eyes. Fear and nervousness took over me thinking she'll tell my dad about what I'm going to do. "I'm going dad, and like I said, I'm going to be on time." She said annoyed.

"You need to spend less time with that boy, you can't even focus on your main priority." He said and she rolled her eyes. "My main priority is not modeling, it's me and Aubrey for now on. It used to be more than that, but I guess things change." She said before looking back at me then back at my dad.

"You're crazy, modeling is number one." He said and we both rolled our eyes. "Like I said, Aubrey, myself, and my education is my main priority, not modeling dad. Now goodbye, I'm leaving one way or another. Even out of a window or out the door, you choose." She said and he shook his head before moving aside.

She walked past him then stopped. "Try to keep us apart and I'll quit modeling, change lawyers, and I will move away." She said and he didn't say anything, but if it were me I would've gotten a long ass speech about how I should go. But since that's his golden child he won't say anything, he'll give her her way.

I rolled my eyes and went into my room as she went down the stairs. I sat on my bed, and as soon as I did, my phone started ringing. I looked down ready to decline, but saw it was TJ. "Hey," I said with a small smile. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked and I smiled knowing he heard the irritation in my voice.

"Things didn't go so well, and I didn't get a chance to tell Chris about everything because she walked in and freaked out. My dad treats her like the golden child, letting her speak to him how she wants just by her threatening to stop modeling. If that were me, he would've encouraged me to stop and telling me that he wouldn't care because Chris is all he needs anyways. He would've disowned me anyways, but not her, his favorite." I said laying down.

"Don't think like that, don't think about what he would've done if it were you because it wasn't you. So you will never officially know what would've happened." He said and I nodded. Things got quiet for a minute, before I realize what's tomorrow. "I have a photoshoot tomorrow, I'm telling you just in case you want to come. I can send you the address if you want, or you can just come over and leave with us." I said forcing the words out as my heart started pounding though my chest as nervousness took over me.

"What time is it?" He asked and I let out a breath of relief. "Two o' clock, we have to be there by noon though. But if you want to come at two, that's fine." I said nervous again. "Do you want me to?" He asked and I smiled. "I don't know, if you want to, you can." I said and he chuckled. "If you want me to come with you just say it and I'll be at your house at 11:30." He said and I felt my face heat up.

"I want you to come with me TJ," I said as every nerve in my body shook. "That's all I wanted to hear you say, stop being difficult." He said jokingly, sounding like he's smiling. "I'm not being difficult, you are." I said smiling.

For the rest of the night we talked until I fell asleep, meaning we fell asleep on the phone.

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