Chapter 23

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I felt someone tickling my side lightly, to wake me up. I popped my head up and realized I fell asleep in my dressing room. That'll happen to you if you have to work on only three hours of sleep.

I looked up to see A standing right there, and Diamond standing at the door. "Hey, they want you on set and I wanted to let you know I'm here." He said softly and I smiled tiredly. "Hey," I said standing up feeling weak. "You didn't get that much sleep huh?" He asked having no idea that I was with Don all last night and this morning.

"Nope, merely three hours." I said tiredly keeping my smile. "You stayed out too late at that party, you have to manage your time better. You knew you had to be up early, get unlost out of that niggas eyes and keep track of time and do what you got to do." He said and I chuckled. "Unlost is not a word genius," I said with a small chuckle.

He chuckled and shook his head. "That's beside the point smart Alec. But I came by to pick you up, and Asia told me you weren't home, you must've left out pretty early." He said and I just walked to the door. "Om, I have to be on set." I said clearing my throat.

I looked at Diamond then walked past her and smirked. I had your nigga, and I can still have your nigga, and I can take your nigga. On my way back to set, I came face to face with Don, who is on his way coming from his dressing room as well. "You was sleep too?" I asked and he smirked and nodded. "Good, because you deserve to be tired, this is all your fault keeping me up all night and morning." I said and he chuckled.

"As soon as you walked through my door, you said that we were staying up all night." He said and I laughed. "Yea, all night, not night and morning putting in a workout, and only getting three hours of sleep." I said and his laugh vibrated my whole body without a single touch. I just smiled as I stared up into his eyes, I can see the good in him, I can see happiness for myself with him.

"Well our set consist of a bed and pillows, a bedroom, how about to take an advantage of that and actually sleep this time." I said and and he scratched the back of his head and smirked. "I mean I don't know how much sleeping we'll do, because I don't think I can keep my hands off of you in bed or a bedroom." He said and I felt A's presence and knew he heard that.

"Meet you there," Don said with a wink before jogging and jumping on the bed taking all of the space. I attempted to walk and I felt a tight grip on my wrist. I turned to see a pissed A, jaws clenched and all. "You stayed with that bitch last night?" He asked and I looked away before nodding.

"Yo what the fuck man? You barely know this nigga." He said loudly and I just looked away as he shouted at me, embarrassing me. He needs to stop being so damn overprotective, and let me be free to make my own decisions. "Keep your voice down, I'm technically at work. I have to be professional, and you're making me look bad." I said in a low but upset tone.

"Are you fucking this white nigga?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. "Christina," I heard one of the photographers say. "Look I have to go, and that's seems a little personal. We'll talk later, in the mean time, Diamond control your nigga." I said before walking off.

Once I got to the bed, I shook Don because he's laying across the whole bed. His head is at the upper right of the bed, and his legs hanging off of the lower left corner.  "Shaaarrreeee," I said and he scooted over a little. "Really?" I asked rhetorically. He just chuckled and sat up now on his knees up and tall, in the lower left corner of the bed, giving me space to pick where I want to lay.

I smiled before walking backwards, then running and flopping on the bed laying diagonal, opposite of the way he was laying. My head on the upper left corner and my feet at the lower right corner. "Really, so childish." He said with a chuckled and I giggled.

He pushed my lower half of my body further up, so that my feet are now hanging off the right side of the bed. He laid his head on my ass and I felt A's eyes burning a whole in my body. I tried to shake the feeling, and I can't imagine what he's thinking, or how he's going to act after this photoshoot when we go home.

"Did I ever tell you, you have a nice ass?" Don asked making me giggle. "Yea, last night when you hit it from the back." I said loud enough just for his ears, and no one else ears. "Well let me rephrase what I said, you have a comfortable ass to lay on. I just found me a new pillow." He said and I laughed.

After fifteen minutes we were up and taking pictures as if we were functional. We tried to look enthusiastic, but we were drained. We were having fun, but also are exhausted. (Pics in MM)


"Moovvveee," I said as I playfully but gently pushed Don away, without moving him purposely so he can keep going. "I just want a kiss," he said grabbing my hips and pulling me closer to him. "No, you're going to get me in trouble and you've done enough of that today." I said with a small smile.

"Well how does it feel to be on the bad side for once?" He asked and I laughed. "I've been here before, but with you it's fun. It is definitely worth the curse out, if it means kissing you." I said and he smirked before pulling me closer than I already was the first time.

He leaned down and we started kissing, and I closed my eyes. I felt him smiling against my lips, so I smiled, liking the feeling. He left my lips and started kissing my neck, and I started moaning lightly and I leaned my head to the side, giving him more access to my neck.

Then I heard my dressing room door open and close. If it were A, he would've put on a scene. So I didn't pay it no mind because it must be someone working or Diamond. Whoever it was, left back out because nothing was said.

I started moaning a little harder as he hit a soft spot on my neck. "CHRIS," I heard A's strong voice say, scaring me half to death as I jumped back. I squeezed my eyes shut before turning around slowly. I opened my eyes slowly and saw A standing there looking highly pissed.

His fists were clutched, face red, veins popping out and showing, and jaw clenched tight. I know he's going to curse me out, but it's not his place to. He can't be mad who I talk to, he's still with Diamond. He took a deep breath that didn't calm him down at all. "Let's go," he said in a demanding tone.

I just rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. He gave me a stern look telling me not to try him right now, I stomped over and snatched my bag, and I stomped all the way outside and to his car. I made it to the back door of his car and was about to reach for the handle.

"No, get up front." He said and I raised my eyebrows considering Diamond is with us and she always gets shotgun. "What?" I asked and he gave me the look telling me he's going fucking crazy in his head. "I didn't fucking stutter Christina." He said angrily and I just got in the front.

Diamond got in the back, seeming to have a problem with it, but knows not to even address it right now.

(To be continued into the next chapter, this chapter is going to get too long if I don't)

(PS, sorry loves😢)

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