Chapter 3

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Monday morning.

Ever since I graduated High School, I haven't been doing much really. My father wasn't too happy with this because I kept reappearing on all the tabloids of LA. 

Two weeks ago

''Again?'' My father shouted at me through the phone.

''I didn't do anything, I just went out and I had a few drinks..''

''With a fake fucking ID!'' 

''How else am I meant to get drinks and besides I am sure the guy knew who I was and does it look like Daniel Bullinger is my name.. Sounds like a real loser any way.''

''Joshua Alfredo Miller, when are you going to be responsible. One day..''

''Yeah, yeah the you're taking over this company speech. Save it dad.''

''You are not going anywhere near clubs or anything remotely close to trouble.''


''I mean it.'' I rolled my eyes and pushed the plate away from me that Miss Russi had put infront of me.

''Don't you have business to do in NY?'' I snap.

''Josh, you need to eat after your outing yesterday and all the vomit I cleaned.'' Miss Russie said.

''Don't tell me what to do.'' I answer. She was used to my attitude after all these years.

I eat the sandwich and roll my eyes. She smacks the back of my head and I groan.

''What was that for?'' 

''Don't roll your eyes at me.'' She says cleaning the table.

Present day

I sigh scrolling down some text as Robert, lays down on my bed playing GTA5.

''So, you in for tonight. Claire is having a party.''


''That rich girl that gave you her number prick, her fathers a singer or something.''

''A singer?'' I ask and he nods. ''One day I'm gonna open up my own label.'' I say forgetting all about the party Robert was telling me about.

''Earth to Josh?'' He says throwing a piece of chocolate at me.

''Cool, I'll be there. We'll pick up Tommy.'' I tell him. 

My phone buzzes and I check again seeing a number across the screen I did not know. 


''Hey Josh.'' I sit up straight in almost half a second and poke Robert to tell him to stop screaming at the TV. 

''Tasha. How are you.'' A feeling of joy and excitement flushes through me. What was just happened to me?

''Fine, just wondering. I am going to a party tonight.. You wanna come?''

''Er, I was going to a party but I guess I can go to both?'' 

''So you're going to be at two places at the same time? How does that work out?'' She laughs. I hear some water and I guess she's taking a bath. Naked. Fuck. My mind goes away again. I felt a need to see her. Almost like I have been craving her body and presents.

''Yeah, Gosh that sounded stupid.'' I say snapping back into reality. 

''My friend Claire is throwing a party and I had fun at the dinner party. Did you like my present?''

''Claire? That's were I am going.'' I say as the name reminds me of what Robert was babbling about. 


''And yes. I'd much rather have you in it though.'' I tell her feeling a grin appear on my face. 

''Are you flirting with me Joshua Miller?''

''Could be, Reynolds.'' I laugh.

''I'll see you tonight at the party then.'' She chuckles. 

We say our goodbye's and Robert is staring at me.

''Never thought I would live to see you so whipped.'' He says 

''Whipped?'' I take his controller and move away from him so he doesn't catch me. While I run around the room I continue to finish the mission he just started. "Hell no."

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