Chapter 31

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Epilogue Continues...

It has been a year now since I have seen Joshua. It has been really hard to avoid things in life..

The pain was unbearable. You know how it goes in the novels. Hearrbroken. Yeah,  they don't exaggerate. It felt like my heart was just gone. I was numb to feelings and I couldn't even smile for a few weeks.

I put music up loud as hell. Sad music of course to match my mood.

I wasn't only heartbroken. I was betrayed. I was angry. I felt as if I had no control or power over myself. Sad really..

My friends have been supportive of course. Especially Kevin really. Beau had her own problems to deal with.. Such as keeping her druggy of a father happy by providing him with money or drugs.

Sean didn't understand what I went through. He was angry I guess because he couldn't protect me and that was one of his goals in life. To keep me and Kay safe. He was also disappointed because he had trusted Joshua as a friend aswel as my boyfriend.

It wasn't such a big deal really. He slapped me and pushed me. I got a couple bruises but that is it. However, I don't care about the pain, I have had worse, but I was just upset. I trusted him.

After a few months, I got into archery and gymnastics again. I also started my modelling career back up. At practise, I met Samuel. He was my 21 year old coach. He had blonde curly hair and dimples which would make your knees weak. He was so trustworthy, I told him about everything. He also told me about his previous love life. His girlfriend and him didn't work out. They got together to spite their parents in the first place but what goes around comes around.

Samuel was sweet, funny and he cared. He was so caring sometimes it was kind of too much. Joshua was rough, Samuel was gentle. Joshua was rude, Samuel was polite.

After a few months of Samuel and me being friends he asked me out and we started dating. We dated for four months when I ran into Joshua at a store. Me and Samuel were buying some food for dinner tonight.

Samuel was carrying some pasta and I had some vegetables in my hand. Samuel was a vegetarian so no chicken for him.

"Chicken or beef?" I said outloud and Samuel pulled a face.

"Poor chickens. Tasha is coming for you."

"Ha-ha." I say at his dry joke.

"You can atleast laugh at my joke to make me feel better."

"I am sorry baby but your jokes at times are just.." I kissed his cheek running my fingers through his beard. A little kid ran into him and Samuel quickly apologised. Told you he was too polite.

"I am gonna go get some snacks." Samuel said as he left the aisle.

I heard some giggling few meters infront of us. My eyes automatically went there and some couple were joking around. The boys back was to me and he was holding the girls hands firmly trying to prevent her from doing something. They were both laughing and one particular laugh made my heart stop.


I could tell it was him by his back. I could see it. His hair, his neck and the clothes he wore. His freakin' style. The skinny jeans, converses and leather jacket. Was that his girlfriend? I couldn't see her but they looked cosey. He held both of her wrists in one hand.

"Its just a bit of paint."

"Not on my face babe."

"Such a baby."

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