Chapter 25

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I guess a little holiday would be good for me and Spencer. We could have some fun and Italy was the place.

The whole two day party, I was down. I was ready to get smashed and wake up in a garden with no clothes on.

While Spencer was preparing for the party and spreading the word, Mckaila was doing the same.

The three of us sat in the living room eating some take away.

Mckaila was growing on me, I had to say. She was okay I guess and fun to be around. Sometimes she sounds way too intelligent for us and we just stare at her. I don't think she realises herself how smart she is. She calculated the amount of drinks we needed and she was quite spot on. We needed a freakin' lot.

"So Josh if Tasha is going to come. I need you to not drink." Mckaila says swallowing a dumpling.

"No can't do. I am planning on getting smashed straight. Two days long."

"Don't you wanna fix things?" Spencer says and I stare at him.

"Who are you? You used to tell me how I should never get a girlfriend."

"Dude you're whipped. Once you're there is no going back." He laughs and I just roll my eyes. Whatever.

I scroll through some posts on instagram. While Mckaila and Spencer are arguing over something irrelevant. Typical brother and sister situation. Being nice to eachother for a bit.

"Is the honeymoon period over?" I say and continue scrolling.

"He's telling me not to go blonde."

"You can't just go from black to blonde its weird."

"Danny will like it." Mckaila says and Spencer rolls his eyes

"Who is Danny?" I ask and she smiles and taps her nose. "Whatever."

These two were doing my head in. My phone starts ringing and Gina's name flashes across the screen.


The party was going on and people were streaming in. Most we actually knew and some just came along. It was loud as hell.

I had invited Jeffrey. The 17 year old son of the golf club owner I played at. He was the perfect match for Mckaila. Smart as hell and he wouldn't dare doing things I was thinking about at that age.

Mckaila had a drink in her hand when me and Jeffrey walked up to Mckaila. Spencer came to us a few seconds later.

"Mckaila, meet Jeffrey. He is very good at maths." I say and I put my arm around Jeffrey. He blushed and smiled at Mckaila. God he was sigh. Spencer pats my back and looks at Mckaila. She is giving me death glares but I am so sure they will get on.

Tasha's POV

The party was on full blow when I arrived. I brought both Beau and Kevin along with me just for fun. Deadly to be in contact with Joshua both of them since Beau and Joshua didn't get on and Joshua thought Kevin was straight. I giggle at the memory. Kevin looked normal and just like any other losers. You could never in a million years guess he was gay. When he was not joking he was so boyish.

Beau on the other hand had dyed her blonde hair blue from the tips and cut it shoulder length. She was in that time where she wanted to try all crazy colours.

The least I could do was have some fun at this party. Mckaila was standing with a boy next to the drinks and she looked bored out of her mind as the boy next to her was talking. He wore a jumper that  grandfather wouldn't wear and looked like a 18 year old nerd. He was just missing the big thick glasses. Victoria was a few meters away from her and she was dancing on her own. The two were always within a few meters distance. 

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