Chapter 11

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For the past three days me, the twins and Jay where hanging out. There wasn't much to do really and I had to start thinking where to invest my time in soon. Tasha has ignored me and I am ignoring her. She has the right to be angry with me and to be honest,  its not something I hid from her.. It just never came up. I was getting tired of these constant dramas and I just want to forget them.

"Will you guys stop making out already?" Tommy says as he throws popcorn at Jackie and Robert. I laugh but Jackie doesn't move from Roberts lap. 

"Shut up cock-block.'' I tell Tommy. 

"Can we play something?" 

"Yes, you go hide we will come get you." Robert tells his brother sarcastically. Jackie laughs and I notice how she is staring at Robert with a smile. Does Tasha look at me like that? What am I thinking. We're not that kind of couple. We don't tell each other how we feel every 10 seconds.

I was sitting in my cinema room bored where we had sleeping chairs. You could simply lie down while watching your movie. After watching a load of movies,beer,weed and shots the clock hit 4 am and Robert and Tommy where fast asleep. Jackie was trying not to fall asleep and finish the movie we were watching; The Heat. I was not sleepy at all and really, my mind was set on Tasha. I missed her so much. It's been only three days. Once you get the taste of the good life you don't want anything else. I know I was drunk but I couldn't stop myself.

I get my phone out and stare at her name. Her beautiful dark eyes, those cherry plum lips swollen when I kissed them too long, pink and soft when she wakes up..

Why are you so mean? I text her. Seconds later I get a reply.

What are you talking about.

I roll my eyes dramatically as if she can see me.

You are mean. I'm just putting it out there. Sexy but mean. You should be mean more often when I'm taking you.

I giggle to myself like a school boy. She must be so confused!

You make me feel like shit. - I type slowly to get the words right.

Tasha calls me, I think she had enough of my drunk text messages.

''Joshua are you drunk?'' 


''Yes you are.'' 

''Why do you care?''

''Where are you?''

''At home with Jay..''I feel dizzy and I am up on my feet before I can finish the sentence. 

''Jackie?'' I'm not even listening when I run towards the nearest toilet in the house. I start vomiting all the alcohol out and the pot I smoked didn't help keeping it down. I sat on my toilet floor catching my breath and wheezing for  few minutes. Fuck, this is disgusting. I get up and wash my mouth from the vomit taste and look in the mirror to see how bloodshot my eyes are. I walk out the bathroom but soon I am back in the toilet vomiting some more. 

There was a loud knock on my door and I walked over the door slowly and with force. Every step that I made I felt sick again.

Tasha stares at me for a few seconds.

''You are high and drunk.'' She states pushing past me.

''Come in won't you.'' I say closing the door and walking after her. 

''What's your game?'' 

''You wanna play a game?" I grin and try to walk straight. I tumble over my own feet but then I stand straight. I had enough of standing. I sit down on the floor, Indian style admiring the colourful Vans I am wearing. They are purple with yellow, red and brown zig zags going through them everywhere and it looks amazing. Who made this? I pull my shoes off and stare at my black socks. I forgot Tasha was here so her voice kinda scares me.

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