Chapter 30

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5 Years Later

Joshua's POV

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6.." I count down while I walk around the garden. "3, 2, 1. I'm gonna come and get you." I sing and search through the garden. God, my daughter was bad at hide and seek. I saw her standing next to a tree covering her face with her hands.

"Emily?" I call out as I walk past her. "Damn. You're good at hiding." She giggles and turn around.

"I found you!" I laugh and pick her up.

"Damn!" She says and giggles.

"Shit, don't say that." Her mother was gonna kill me.

"Okay, shit." She says and I mentally slapped myself.

"No thats a bad word too baby. Don't say it." I say and she nods.

"I want some ice cream now." She says and I walk inside as I hold her.

"Tee, I am starving."

"Yeah so am I." Emily says and I put her down. She runs towards Tasha and hugs her legs.

"Is my baby hungry?" She asks Emily.

"Yes." Me and Emily answer at the same time. Tasha laughs and puts Emily on a chair.

You might be wondering what is going on. Me and Tasha broke up after that horrible day. I was so out of it.

1 year past and things were going back to normal. I started dating this girl called Hannah and Tasha dated this other guy. I moved out of my fathers house, even though I still work for him. He supported me throughout everything.

Me and Hannah met through Spencer. He decided to become lawyer finally and did his degree. He met her in his classes and introduced us as they became friends.

Hannah was blonde, she was sweet. She was very normal but that is about it. I even developed feelings for her. She was good company too. I bumped into Tasha after a year of the 'accident.'

She was with a guy who she claimed was dating. That one time of seeing her with that guy made me realise what I had lost and what I had done. Me and Tasha started seeing eachother as 'friends' again but there were definitely benefits. Hannah found out and we broke up. I didn't want to break up but at the same time I did. I wanted Tasha back but she was too hesitant. She didn't want to leave this prick. I even threatened her that I would tell him of her affair with me but of course I didn't.

One of our many cheating sessions, I got Tasha pregnant. Tasha was 21 at this time and I was turning 21 in 3 months time. We decided to keep it. We moved out and got a nice house away from everyone. Still an hour drive to my old place but I don't need the memories. By the time she was born, we were legally not underage both of us.

Emily Rose Miller was now 3 years old. I loved her more than I loved myself. I loved her more than anything in the world and I would sacrifice anything for her. She was my world. She became three few weeks ago and we even had a little party and that same day I asked her to marry me.

"Josh can you get her dressed while I am taking a shower? Her dress is in her room."

"Fine but you owe me tonight."

"No jerk." Tasha kisses my cheek and walks away. I smack her ass and Emily looks at me.

"Don't hit mummy!" She says and I roll my eyes.

"I'm not. Now lets get you dressed princess."

"Do you wanna be my prince?" I laugh at her question and sit her down on her bed.

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