Chapter 13

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The place was getting more crowded by the minute and I didn't really feel like socializing. Spencer was sitting next to us as the girl turned him down claiming that she just went through a break up and wasn't in the mood. He groans next to me and drinks from the free bar getting Tasha some more drinks since I was the responsible one driving us back home. Spencer was talking to Tasha and they hit it off really. I wasn't listening half of the time as Tasha looked at her phone a few times. She excused herself and walked off to go outside. I looked at Spencer who was grinning.

''Whats with the stupid grin?'' I ask

''No reason.'' He says a bit slower since he is totally wasted right now.


''Tasha and you seem nice together. Josh and Tash.'' He laughs at his own joke and starts choking. He quickly recovers and starts laughing again. ''Josh and Tash.'' He says repeating it a few times.

''You're quite annoying when you are wasted.'' 

''You are always annoying prick.'' He says back and I laugh.

''True.'' Tasha says as she returns as sits down I look at her.

''Whats up baby?'' I ask and she looks at me with a frown. She shakes her head slowly and then smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes. She shifts the whole time and I wonder what's wrong with her.


''Do you know why your mum and dad broke up once?'' I ask Spencer wondering what Mr. Reynolds had fixed between them that they couldn't fix themselves.


''Your dad said something about Tasha's father re uniting the two of them.''

''I don't know, my father probably cheated. He always does anyway.'' 

''Oh.'' Tasha says but this was no new information for me. Spencer would often go home to a crying mother and I awkwardly just left them whenever I was with him. Me and Tasha shrug and after a few minutes Tasha tuggs on my sleeve. I look at her as she grabs her clutch thing.

''Can we go..'' She says and I nod.

The girl that ditched Spencer a few minutes ago comes to sit next to us, this time with a friend. She starts talking to Spencer and Spencers attention seems to be 100% towards them.

''I want to get totally wasted.'' I hear as I look at Tasha who is bititng her lip.

''We are leaving dude,'' I say patting his back. He nods and goes back to debating taking this little party of this home. I laugh and whisper in Spencer's ear:

''You better tell me about this.'' I take Tasha's hand smirking and pull her towards the exit. She is making me a bit worried to be honest.

''Are you okay?'' 

''Yes. Can you just take me home please?'' She says quietly 

I nod and get in the car. I can't really read the expression of Tasha's face but it looks like a mixed of embarresment or pain..

We drive in silence and I wonder whether I did something wrong now. When I arrive at her place, I park and Tasha unfastends her seatbelt. Before she can get out, I lock the doors. She looks at me and cocks her head.

''Tee what's wrong.'' 

''I just have a stomach ache.''

''That's it?'' She nods and I can tell she is lying when she flashes me her million dollar fake smile.

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