Chapter 32

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The days that me and Tasha would see eachother were limited. When Hannah had classes to attend, I was at work. Tasha's times and mine clashed most of the time so we saw eachother once or twice a week were we would sneak off and have some time alone.

"What are we doing?"

"Were walking in the dark." I tell Tasha and she slaps my arm.

"I mean what's the point of this?"

"Exercise maybe?"

"Josh I mean this whole cheating thing."

"I don't know. I just can have you not in my life and were not really cheating. We are just hanging out."

"Everything is so complicated.." I continue.

"Because of Hannah. Do you love her?"


"I see the way you look at her sometimes.. Or how you react when she calls.."

"I have feelings for her yes. But it's not the same as you. I love you. Even after a whole year. "


"I don't know it is so complicated."

"I wish things went back to normal."

"Normal?" I ask.


"Lets go back home."

"No, I like the city lights at night." Tasha whines and I pull her closer to me with the hand I am holding her hand with.

"It is 2 AM."

"Can we go have a drink? I feel like dancing." She stands still and points towards the club down the street.

"There is too many people around that we know Tee."

"I hate hiding shit."

"Come lets go home." Some stumbling teenagers are walking past us. They're loud as hell and I pull Tasha closer to mo so they don't fall on her. I see Spencer coming out of the club with some other familiar faces. I quickly look at Tasha and she panicks. Fuck!

"Go hide next to that car." She quickly ducks below a car and before I even turn around -

"Josh?" - I hear Spencer's voice and I turn around.

"You told me you were too tired to come out you prick."

"Don't you have an exam tomorrow?"

"No. I had it today. You are so distracted these days."

"Sorry man. Does this mean Hannah had it too today."

"Yeah she did." He frowns and my eyes go wide. Shit, I totally forgot to bring her to the train station. She was going to visit her grandparents after the exam but I thought it was tomorrow. My mind has been so stuck on Tasha that I completely forgot.

"Fuck." I quickly get my phone out and turn it on. Spencer shakes his head and rolls his eyes.

"Come on man its Hannah. I thought you were head over heels over her."

"Be quiet." I tell him and see the missed call of Hannah. I read the texts of her telling me she already left. She didn't own a car and she worked so damn hard for to get into college. I offer her a milion times to buy her a car but she refused. Her birthday is right around the corner and I am going to buy her a brand new one. She was an orphan since her father died before she was born and her mother died at labour. It was too late to call her. She was probably asleep. She is back tomorrow anyway.

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