Chapter 20

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When I wake up the next morning Tasha is on her side but she is staring at me. I blink a few times and lean on my elbows. Her eyes are closed now and she looks asleep. I swear she was awake a few seconds ago. I sigh and look at the time. twenty past ten. Time to get up and take a shower.Slowly, I get out without moving too much. The last thing I want to do is wake Tasha up. Last night she kept turning and sobbing.

I search for a clean towel but my dirty laundry is not even touched. I groan and storm down the stairs.

"Why is my room such a mess? Nobody has been to get me clean towels of wash my clothes." I shout at the maides in the kitchen.

"So sorry Mr. Miller. You had company and I didn't want to disturb. There was no time to do it." The short blonde says as she turns red and looks away.

"I don't give a fuck find time!"

"Sorry sir."

"Joshua that is enough." My father says and eyes me. "Get some clothes on." I look down and I am in nothing but black Calvin Klein boxers.

"Did you get it sorted?" I ask him and scratch my back leaving the middle aged maides. I follow my father into the living room as he sighs sitting down with his cup of coffee.

"They found him and they got the footage on camera. CCTV. His being kept until his trial." I sigh and then see some blood.

"They have footage of Tasha getting fucked by that fucking bastard?" I scream and start feeling sick. I pull my hair and then stand still.

"Thats a good thing."

"Apart from proof yes but I don't want her to ever see that or anyone else!" I say and sigh pacing around the room.

"I called her father. He is on his way." He says and I stare at him.

"You what? You didn't even tell me!" I sigh and rub my forehead.

"I had to." He continues sipping off his coffee. "They're catching the first flight home so they will be here in the afternoon. He assumed that Tasha was too upset to pick up her phone and even talk to them but I did tell him that she was more than safe with us."

"Thanks dad. I don't really want to tell my girlfriends father, his daughter was raped because I left her alone for ten minutes."

I sigh and feel upset about all of this. I won't let myself crack.

"I'm gonna take a shower." I say and walk up the stairs with my clean towel and take a shower. When I come out, Tasha is still sleeping but she is turned away from me.

I get dressed quickly kicking the hoodie I was wearing away from my feet. I dress myself in some sweatpants and fresh new boxers. I towel dry my hair and just slip back into bed. I look at Tasha but she doesn't move. I turn the TV on but mute it. I am too distracted to even watch it and concentrate.

"Does my father know?" I hear and I turn my head to see Tasha staring at me. Her eyes are red and she looks like she hasn't slept.

"Did you sleep?"



"How could I Josh, drop it."

"Your father knows he is coming home."

"Oh." She gets up and smiles. "Is the sun shining?" She opens tbe curtains and stares out of the window. She is acting like nothing happened. I stare at her but she just turns her head and starts running her fingers through her hair.

Theres a knock on the door.

"Mr. Miller breakfast." Tasha opens the door and takes the food.

"I was starving! Thank you." she smiles and sits on the floor with her food Indian style."

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