Chapter 9

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Hey loves, as you can see I am re writing everything and as I go along I am posting it!

My drive to Tasha was horrible. I was anxious as hell and this time I didn't even fuck up! I honestly don't know what the paparazzi wants from me there plenty of celebrities around LA for them to follow around. I think because we lived in Hidden Hills there wasn't much going on. 

To be honest, I loved the attention and all but now it is starting to annoy the hell out of me. When I finally made it to Tasha's house, Mckaila opened the door in her school uniform. Ofcourse does she go to a private school. My father had no chance in sending me there. A public school which was still the top schools I have spend 18 years at and I miss it sometimes to be fair. Just the social life ofcourse. 

Mckaila has a face on that tells me not to say anything. I hold up my hands in defence and walk by her. Tasha is in the kitchen dressed in her converses and leggings. A massive grey jumper is on her and she makes me smile for a minute because of her small body.

''Hey gorgeous.'' I say pecking her lips.

''You are generous with the compliments today.'' She says sipping from her mug which I asume is tea. She walks over to her bag on the counter and grabs her phone out after she empties the tea in the sink. I roll my eyes and cock my head to the side.

''Are you going somewhere?'' I ask as she grabs her bag. I put my arms around her resting my hands on the counter on each side of her. She bites down on her lower lip and licks her cherry lips.

''I was going to give Mckaila a lift to school and then..'' My lips connect to hers and I don't let her finish her sentence. 

''Seriously can you not have sex in my kitchen?'' Mckaila says annoyed at the doorway. I laugh and back away. Tasha grabs the newspaper from the kitchen table, rolls it up and throws it at mckaila who jumps away and picks it up. I laugh at Tasha's good aim but my laughter soon dies out.

''Joshua you're in the paper again!'' Mckaila says and I look at her. Fuck.

''Never stops does it? Bad boy billionaire.'' Tasha laughs and joins her sister to look at the newspaper. 

''Are you not going to be late for school?'' I say quickly while Tasha sighs.

 ''Billionaire's son has a new love interest. He popped in for 10 minutes to talk to the girl and was out after that. This blonde girl was getting comfortable with Joshua Miller at a party in LA last night. Sources say the party involved drugs and other substance abuse.'' Mckaila reads out and starts laughing but the look on Tasha's face tells me she's not happy.

''Seriously?'' Tasha says this time throwing the newspaper at me. I catch it and look at her. ''You lied to me? 'I'm meeting the boys!?' You little shit!'' She screams and Mckaila quietly exits the room. 

''It's bullshit calm down.''

''I don't see no boys!''

''Look. Spencer told me to come down and distract this girl while he took off with her friend.''

''Am I meant to believe that? Distract? What happened the you having a girlfriend shit?''

''For God's sake, I told her that and I walked off.'' I snap. ''Why the hell would I go see a girl at a party if I was going to cheat on you?'' I took a deep breathe and our eyes locked. I could see she was thinking and that she wasn't believing me annoyed me.  ''Fuck it, believe what you want.'' I say and I walk off to get the hell out of this house. 

When I got to the hall Mckaila's striped blue skirt catched my eye but this time there was two of them. These girls were everywhere together.

''Look at that two Mckaila's'' I say passing them both.''

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