Chapter 23

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I stood in the hallway with Tasha as she put on the security alarm. She wrapped her arms around my waist and I pulled her chin up letting my lips crush on her. It felt normal again and for a second I forgot all our problems. My phone started vibrating in my pocket and I got it out. I broke the kiss put didn't move an inch.

"I really got to take this." I tell Tasha and she nods. I had ignored this guy all day and it was really important.

While I took the call, I took Tee's hand and walked up the stairs. She started getting into her pyjama's and I undresses myself while I was on the phone. Tasha dissapeared into the toilet and I get under the covers in just my boxers and end the call. I scroll through my phone and Tasha gets under the covers too and slips my phone out of my hands. She locks it and sighs. Her head is on my chest and I run my fingers through her hair.

"Do you think we need to make some changes because of the baby?"

"Its maybe too early?" I sit up and look at her. "I don't want to make changes." Tasha looks at me and I sigh. She looks not pleased.

"You have to. Are we going to live together or.."

"Live together? We practically already do? I spend here more time than I do at my own house." I say and she sits up too. I hate commitment and living together is a huge step.

"Forget it. I'm too tired." She says and turns around. I sigh and do the same. Whatever.

When I wake up Tasha isn't next to me. I sit up and look around. I get up and see that its 2AM. Where the hell did Tasha go? I rub my eyes and walk down the stairs. The kitchen light is off but I hear some shuffling.

"Tee?" I say and I clear my throat. I put the light on and I see Tasha sitting there with a glass of wine. I frown and look at the bottle next to her. It is almost empty.

"What are you doing?"

"What are you doing?" She says and copies me.

"Why are you drinking?" I ask and I take the bottle from her. I take the glass away from her and she whines.

"Why are you not drinking?" She says and starts giggling.

"Tasha stop it now. You can't just drink. You're pregnant. " She puts her head down and sighs.

"This baby is not even born and look what its doing to us. You don't want it and I know you don't and neither do I so I just want to get rid of it."

"You're insane." She really needs those pills. Fuck.

"Look you need to quit this." I say and I take her hand. "You're drunk."

"I know I am." I lift her up and throw her over my shoulder.

"You need to go to bed." I put her back in bed and I sigh.

My thoughts are going crazy. I love Tasha and maybe I have been distant but I know I would never leave her into this mess.

I crawl back into bed and wrap my arms around me. Her back is pressed against me and our legs are wrapped around eachothers. I can't fall asleep but I hear Tasha's soft breathing fast enough.

When I wake up, I need to leave. I had a meeting at 9 o'clock. Tasha is still sleeping and I leave some paracetamol at her nightstand and a glass of water.

I leave and go to my house. I get ready, take a shower and make some coffee. I brush my teeth and do my hair quickly. I leave the house 8.40 and I hope traffic is on my side today and it is.

Tasha's POV

"Josh?" I call out when I notice the empty side of the bed. I sit up and my head hurts. Where did this headache come from? All the wine I drank yesterday.. Well earlier. My stomach twist suddenly and I jump up and run towards my bathroom before I start vomiting my guts out. I sit next to the toilet and start crying. How did my life end up like this? I sigh and get up and undress myself. I hope a shower will help me relax.

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