Chapter 18

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When I knock on the door, Sean opens the door. 

''Mckaila!'' He shouts and and just walks away from the door. I'm glad he did because I did not wanna talk to him anyway. Bastard. 

''Are you sure you wanna go?'' I hear Tasha's voice and Mckaila apppears. 

''Yes, now bye.'' She says walking towards me. I put both my hands in my pockets and just stand there. 

''I'm ready.'' She says as she comes out. Her jet balck hair is down and towards the end its going lighter into brown. I don't even see Tasha and I wonder why.

''Wheres Tasha?'' I ask and she points inside while putting her phone in her bag.

''Do you wanna talk to her?'' 

''No, I'll do it later.'' 

''Let's go then.'' I get in my car and so does she.

''Are you okay with all this?'' I ask out of curiosity.

''Yeah. Another brother yay.'' She says  and I laugh.

''Spencers cool. He's the kind of brother that will share his alcohol with you or take you to parties so.'' 

''Awesome. What's going on with you and Tash?''

''She think I cheated on her.''

''But you didn't?''


''Oh. George was pissed.''

''Who the hell is that?'' Pissed? I frown. 

''Our cousin.''

''Oh, him.''

For the rest of the ride were silent and in peace. When we arrive, Mrs. Matthews opens the door immediately and I sigh. Let the awkwardness begin. 

''Lily, Josh, hi.'' She says. I can see tears in her eyes when she sees Mckaila.''Can I hug you?''

''Sure you can Mrs. Matthews.'' I joke and walk past the two as she wraps herself around Mckaila. Mckaila does the same after a while and I walk to Spencer. His father aint home and I am happy for this because it would be awkward. 

''Come through. Are you okay? How you feeling? Just call me Melissa. Shall I just call you Mckaila? What school do you go now? Any boyfriends?'' Melissa continues asking questions and Mckaila looks not nervous at all. Spencer sees her and he nods at her. 

''You must be L.. Mckaila.'' He says and gives her a quick hug.

''I sit down on the sofa and so does Spencer. Mckaila isn't shy whatsoever but I feel for her. She looks a bit uncomfortable even though she tries to not show it. They all make small talk. Mrs.Matthews then stands up and looks at Mckaila.

''I think we need to talk before you leave. We don't want you to miss your flight.'' She smiles and wipes some tears off her cheeks for the milionth time today. Me and Spencer are left alone as Mckaila and her mother leave the room. Spencer turns on the xbox and for a good half and hour we play some fifa14. 

''Thanks for having me Melissa.'' Mckaila says hugging her mother. I am standing at the door as Mrs. Matthews hugs Mckaila hard. She is only going for two weeks. 

When me and Mckaila arrive at her house Mr. Reynolds is standing outside. There is the same guy who was with Sean after me and Tasha has a fight. He just stands there as I greet Mr. Reynolds and walk up to the door. I needed to see Tasha before she left. Sean stops me before I can walk up the stairs.

''Don't ruin her mood.''

''Shut up man.'' I roll my eyes and he just laughs and pulls a coat on. Some maids are walking around carrying their suitcases. I can tell which one is Tasha's. The black massive one.

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