Chapter 4

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The moment I stepped in the house with Tommy and Robert some people started greeting me. Some relevant however there was only one person I was looking for. Brown hair, brown eyes, short and small. 

My eyes scanned the room as Tommy pushed a red cup in my hand with what smelled like cherry vodka.

"We are scoring tonight!" Tommy screams over the loud music that was causing vibrations through the floor. His twin Robert laughs and I scan the room. Was she not here yet? I spot my friend Jackie and I walk up to her.

"Hey Jay."

"Joshua! " She hugs me and I frown slightly at the enthusiastic response. 

"Miss me?" I ask and she pushes the blonde waves out of her face. 

"Of course." She smiles sweetly. Her dimples show as she does.

"Miller!" I hear and I turn around to see my best friend Spencer. He did not miss a single party and was even a bigger social life. Spencer and I grew up together and I lived with his family for over 3 years when my mother died. 

"Later pretty face." I smile and walk off to Spencer who is approaching me.

"How long have you been at this party?" He asks me. 

"About 10 minutes." I tell him. 

"So why are you not drunk yet?" He puts his arms around me and points at some girls. 

I laugh and just roll my eyes at him.

"Shut up stupid." My arm gets tugged slightly and I turn my head to see Claire as he disappears to the girls smiling at him.

"Hey Josh." The girl hosting the party standing next to me. 

"Waddup Claire."

"Enjoying the party? "

"So far so good." I chuckle as she twirls a bit of her hair in her hand. "You look hot." I say. She giggles and twirls around for me. The clingy dress she wears is dangerously high and I was slightly turned on.. 

"You like what you see?" She laughs and I nod taking her hand and twirling her around again.

"Wanna dance?" I grin and take her towards the dancing area. She starts grinding her hips on me as soon as possible and I smirk knowing how desperately she wants it off me. She turns around but I rather have her ass against my crotch really. Her lips are dangerous close and I meet her lips, kissing her. The kiss is quite regular, like others. Nice but I wouldn't waste too much time kissing her. My head goes back to me kissing Tasha. This kiss felt like nothing compared to that. 

I back off. 

From across the room, my eyes meet Tasha's. I can't read her face expression but it didn't look happy. What was her problem? When I turned my head back to Claire, she took my hand and dragged me to get another drink. Tasha stood next to the drinks with a group of others.

"Tasha!" Claire exclaimed. ''I'm so glad you came.'' She hugs Tasha. 

"Hey." Tasha says not really interested.

"This is Joshua." She says putting her hand on my chest. Fuck she was annoying. 

"I know." Tasha says without any eye contacts. Did I hurt her feelings. Surely, all we did was have fun but I rather have Tasha next to me that this bimbo brunette. Jackie walks straights past me and I hope she gets me out of this awkward mess.

"Jay!" I call out.

"What." She says coldly. Where they al on their period or something. Tasha was avoiding eye contact and Jackie looked like she was about to give me the maddest attitude. 

"Er.." I start confused. 

"Lost for words? Seemed like it when your tongue was shoved up in her throat." Jackie says and Claire looks at me and then her. 

"What?" I ask.  She saw it too. I rub the back of my neck. Claire steps back and next to Jackie

"So you were messing with her and me?" Claire asks. 

Tasha kept silent and just rolled her eyes drinking from the red cup.

"Messing? I'm not messing with any of you." Girls took it to heart after one kiss or when you sleep with them. Unless I tell you I am messing with or else I am not. 

With that both turned on their heels away from me. I left out breath and looked at Tasha who shook her head and walked away.

"You can't tell me you expected me to not kiss anyone just because you left your panties at my house?" I snap - my anger getting the best of me.

"Fuck you." She drinks her cup empty and walks off. Robert is by my side and I shrug.

"Plenty girls." He says patting my back. I did not know why Tasha's reaction bothered me the most. 

An hour later I had one drink and I walk over to Robert and Spencer doing shots. My head was light a little and I looked around the huge living room. The music blared loudly and people were dancing everywhere. I spotted Tasha's brown locks bouncing in the dancing crowd. It looked like she was dancing intensively with this guy. My breathing fastened. This was unusual, I usually don't get so annoyed over a girl not being with me. I guess girls have been throwing themselves at me even when I treat them like shit. They're into that and I am the one who leaves them eventually. This was different. Putting Tasha in that position made me annoyed at myself. I would never sleep with her and leave it to that. She was worth way more. 

Jealousy? no. I dont know why I did what I did, if it wasn't jelousy. 

I walked over like my two feet had their own mind. Anger flood through me. How dare she? I grab her arm and pull her out the house all the way outside without even realising what I was doing. 

"What the hell do you think you're doing? " We both say at the same time. 

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