Chapter 19

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I was not going to have dinner with my father and Karen.  You're not meant to have dinner with your fathers fuckbuddy unless they were their girlfriend now. I absolutely refuse to listen to that bullshit.

My father couldn't love or have feelings for any woman apart from my mother. Thats what she deserved.

My mother still plays a huge role in my life still and I couldn't help it. I loved her more than anyone.

I remember her having dark long hair and brown big eyes. She wore a summer dress mostly in the summer. The yellow one with flowers were her favourite. She wore that the last day I saw her. She always smiled and told me I should appreciate everythingeven the little things such as a bit of sunshine. Cancer took her away and she spend most days in bed but I never left her side. I was a stubborn 8 year old and I refused to leave her. After school I would run all the way home abd then not waiting for no driver to pick me up and then run up the stairs just to spend my evening with her watching cartoon and eating dinner in bed.

Tasha stares at me as I sit on my bed. She is sitting between my knees on the floor.

"I've never seen you like this. Josh talk to me please. Why are you so upset?"

"Nothing. My father is a prick."

"Come on he deserves a shot at love, everyone does."

"Even Bradley?" I ask out of jelousy. I don't know where it came from, but it did.

"Where does he come in to this conversation?"

"Never mind."

"Okay, I know I am talking crap but don't you want him to be happy."

I get up and leave Tasha on the floor.

"I don't give a shit." Tasha sighs loudly.

"Fine, let's just go down."

"No, I told you I'm not going?"

"I am then."


"Because I want to."

"Stop being such a bitch. Why can't you just listen?" I throw my hands in the air and put them down quickly. The pain shot through me and I shut my eyes. I look out the window turning my back to her.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I bite and tilt my shirt up to check the bandage wrapped around me.

"Can we please go?"

"Fine." I say and I walk out the room down the stairs not even waiting for Tee. Dinner is being prepaired and miss Russi is standing at the table. I look at her and she doesn't even acknowledge me being too busy with putting the plates down. She knew my mother too, how awkward for her.

I sit down and so does Tasha. I avoid eye contact with her because she will probably make me feel bad for ignoring her.

My father and Karen step into the dining room and I am so bothered about this whole situation my head starts to hurt.

Karen looks like a fucking doll with all that make up on and she is dressed in some glittery gold jacket and black dress. She looks like she just fell off a fucking Christmas tree.

"Karen, this is Tasha. Joshua's.." My dad stops and hesitates for a bit. I assume he was thinking about my current status.

"Girlfriend. Joshua's girlfriend dad." I say annoyed.

"My son must be committed then." He says and sits down smiling. I didn't see what was funny. Karen smiles at Tasha and sits down too.

"How have you been Tasha? I heard Mckaila knows. I'm so sorry."

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