Chapter 17

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Its already afternoon when I wake up and get out of bed. I take a long shower and walk around the house. The house has been cleaned and some food is in the fridge for me to warm up. Since my father has decided to not have the maides live with us and I was getting too old and I was abusing them. Also, fucking one of the maids wasn't as useful.

After I eat my warmed up omelet I get a call from Robert. I haven't seen him since his little outburst and walk out at breakfast. I actually totally forgot. Why was he making a big deal out of it?


''Hey man, it's me, Rob.''

''I have caller ID Robert.'' I reply sarcastically rolling my eyes and taking a water bottle out of the fridge.

''Whatever, listen meet me down Pizza hut in an hour?''

''Sure, can't stay for long though.''

''Okay cool.'' 

Looks like he is over it after all. My father texts me asking if I can go check up on one of the hotels he owns. Its pretty close but still like a twenty minute drive. I put on some Converses and put a coat on because it is absolutely freezing outside. The olive green parka I am wearing will keep me nice and warm hopefully. I don't mind doing some work for him that he needs to do personally himself. I don't mind doing my fathers job with him and some favours. I might even get a permanent job working for my father. 

I arrive at the hotel faster than I have thought. I walk in and see one of the staff approach me immediately. Its a short brunette with bright blue eyes that stand out. She is wearing the tightest skirt making her coke bottle shape almost burst out.  When she stares at me my eyes quickly move to her face. She was hot not even going to lie. 

''Mr. Miller.''

''Joshua. Don't you guys have uniforms or something?'' I correct her first. I get it, boss' son, but I am not even twenty yet. Feels like she is talking to my father. I hope my question covers up the fact that I was checking her out.

''Joshua, welcome. I am Katherine Park, the manager. And no, we only have name tags only the bell boys do. However we do need to be wearing black.'' Her bright red painted lips turn into a smile and I can tell it isn't genuine. ''So how can I help you?'' 

''Just checking in on how its going here.'' I shrug and she smiles making dimples appear on her cheeks. She looks about twenty three ish.

''Sure, thing. Let me show you around.'' I look at the time and follow Katherine through the lobby where people are walking around. I obviously take this chance to check out her ass but I soon shake my head and walk behind her. What was I thinking? 

''Why are they so loud.'' I pull a face at the peope in the lobby. Most of them are business men or families on a holiday. She takes me around the whole hotel even the kitchen and restaurant. I check the menu and look at the people working around the restaurant. Everything seems fine really. When I am on my way out, Katherine decides to make small chat.

''Its cold aint it?'' 


''Honestly, I was expecting the boss.'' She chuckles and puts both hands on her sides. She kinda looks sad when I look at her. 

''He really needs to stop fucking his employees.'' I frown and Katherine immediatley blushes throwing her hair back. 

''Does he do that then?'' She tries to pretend. My father was one of the nicest persons you could meet if you were on his good side. However, after my mother died he went a bit over board with the ladies. He always told me my mother tied him down and he didn't need another because she was he needed. Now that she was gone, I guess he was back at himself again.

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