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"Liz!" I yelled to my best friend across the airport. She spun around, her long silky black hair whipping around with her.

"Quinny!" She screamed to me, dropping her bags and sprinting across the airport with her arms out. Everyone was starring at us like we were crazy, but I didn't care. I missed my best friend so much.

When our bodies crashed together we spun to the ground, not loosing our grips once. We held each other for a moment and then we both stood up, dusting our clothes off.

"Quinn! It's been months how have you been! How's Gabriel?" She said, cocking an eyebrow at Gabe's name. "Did you seal the deal?" She asked raising her other eyebrow. I giggled and grabbed her hand as we walked back to her bags to collect all her stuff.

"Classic Elizabeth. Always worrying for my sex life, more than I do." I laughed. She smiled one of her huge smiles, which made me smile.

"So? How was Africa?!" I asked. Liz went to Africa after she dropped out of college. It's a shame because she literally had two more months before she graduated. She went with her douche bag boyfriend Jason, but he ended up cheating on her and going home early.

"It was great! I had a few hot African hookups, as you would guess. I got a lot of really good pictures of the wildlife and scenery that I could submit to National Geographic." She said. I bent down and gathered all her bags up, handing some to her. We continued to ramble about her life while we walked out of the airport.

Liz had a very normal 21 year old life. She went it to bars and found hot boyfriends, she was having fun all the time. She was also drop dead gorgeous, she had this long shiny natural black hair that fell above her butt, she was curvy and made all the guys jaws drop.

Me? Oh, well I'm a completely different story. My name is Quinzel Sawyer and I'm a 21 year old loser. You know how everyone was suppose to grow out of that nerdy awkward stage in high school? Yeah well that never really happened to me. I've only ever had three boyfriends and sex has been almost all the way out of the picture. I majored in business and my graduation is in a week.

Vegas has been pretty good to me all my life. I've never lived anywhere else, and I don't think I want to.


I walk up to my house fiddling with my key ring, trying my best to find the right key. I finally unlock the front door and swing it open. "Jesus, Quinn. It's like no ones lived here, like its a model home." She said. Oh, did I forget to mention I'm a clean freak?

"Oh shut up. Your room should be the same." I said, handing her the rest of her luggage. I watched her disappear into her room and shut the door behind her. Letting out a long sigh, I plopped onto the couch and pulled my laptop on my lap, checking emails and stu-

Holy shit.

"HOLY SHIT! Liz get out here!" I yelled to her closed door. She swung it open, in her underwear. "Classy." I laughed, patting the cushion next to me.

She sat down and I pointed to the screen.

"I-I," I stuttered out of excitement, "YOU GOT THE JOB! Quinn I'm so proud of you!" Liz screamed, pulling me in for a hug. We got up and did happy dances for a little bit.

"Okay Liz, calm down, I just got the job interview not the actual job. But still- it's amazing!" I explained.

I know an interview doesn't seem like the biggest deal, but an interview at the Urie Offices? That's hard to nail. Let me tell you about the Urie Office, it is the most well known business in all of Vegas. It's run by the incredible famous Brendon Urie, who is told to be a complete asshole. But hey, how bad could he be?

Strictly Business // Brendon UrieHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin