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Twenty minutes later Brendon and I are in his car on our way to a very unknown place. Well, it's unknown for me.

"Brendon, I hate surprises." I said, fiddling with the hem on my short navy blue dress. Brendon placed a hand over my thigh and gave it a small, reassuring squeeze. "Don't you worry Quinzel, it will be worth the wait." He said, lightly pulling his hand up my leg ever so slightly. When I finally noticed what he was doing I picked his hand up and moved it the center console.

"Some other things will be worth the wait too." He said, putting on a smirk and winking at me. I've never rolled my eyes so hard. Does he really think he's that lucky?

Moments later we pulled up to The Mona Lisa, this time I made sure I got out before he could hold the door for me. Brendon tossed his keys over to one of the valet boys, offering me his arm as we walked up to the already open doors.

The valet boy from last time made eye contact with me and whistled as I walked by, causing me to roll me eyes.

"Im sorry, Quinn." Brendon said to me, approaching the line to the girl who was taking reservations.

"Why are you sorry?" I asked, tightening my grip on his arm. "Boys can be such pigs, especially when your out with me." He said, looking down.

"I don't know why your upset about that. It doesn't bother me. Quite flattering, actually." I said sarcastically, removing my hand from his arm as we became next in line for the reservations.

"Very funny." He said before approaching the girl at the front.

"Oh, h-hi Mr. Urie." She said, her face turning pale and her voice becoming shaky. I've noticed that I'm not as threatened by him as most people would be.

"Hello darlin'. Reservation for two." He said smoothly, she quickly nodded and moved her trembling finger along the key board. "Here you are sir, Gabriel here will escort you to your table." She said, pointing a finger to... Gabe?!

Okay, if you remember a while ago Liz mentioned a guy named Gabe. We didn't really do anything but make out on my couch after the two dates we went on that were honestly not that good. He kind of had a thing for me more than I did him, he stalked all my social media all the time and would text me over and over and over again. One day I just confronted him and told him I wasn't interested and he did not take it lightly.

"Welcome to the- Quinn?" Gabe asked, cocking an eyebrow at me and then to my hand that was holding Brendon's.

"Uh, hey Gabe..." I said. The tension build up was enough to cut with a knife. "Long time no see. Anyway, follow me to your table." He said. He was keeping it really nice and professional to my surprise, which I appreciated.

"Here you are. I'll actually be your waiter for tonight, I'll be back with menus." He said with an uncomfortable smile. Brendon thanked him and he walked off. Brendon pulled my chair out for me and scooted me in, kissing my cheek before he got to his seat.

"Who was that?" He asked, rubbing his cleanly shaved chin. "Oh, no one." I lied. I was not going to be the girl who talks about her ex on the first date.

After a while we ordered our food and during the wait Brendon asked me something that stood out a bit.

"Quinn, does my age bother you?" He asked, looking down to the table and tracing circles in the white cloth. "Why do you ask?" I asked.

"Your avoiding the question." He said, returning his attention to me. "Am not. To be honest it doesn't." I said truthfully. I am 21 and he is... 26... Should I be concerned with the age gap?

"Lie," he stated, pointing to my face, "it does bother you." He quickly pulled his finger back down and twisted the golden ring around his pinky.

"I've never really thought about it." I admitted. His face sunk a bit. "But honest, I don't care." I said honestly. I reached over the table and grabbed his hand from his other and help it in mine, which made him smile.

After eating our meals, Gabe came back with a desert cart. "We didn't order-" I said but was cut off. "Yes, we did. Thank you." Brendon said, nodding to Gabe. Gabe walked off and I furrowed my eyebrows at Brendon's grinning face.

"We didn't order desert." I said, looking over at all the variety of the cart. There was cake and ice creams and fancy stuff I couldn't pronounce even if I tried. "I know, it's a regular for me. I have a thing for the red velvet cake here." He said, pulling cart closer and grabbing a plate, placing it in the middle of the table. Sure enough, it was a big slice of red velvet cake. It did look really good.

"Here," he said, handing me a fork,"taste it." He ordered, scooping up a piece with his fork and inching it to my mouth. I ate the contents on the fork, some of the cream cheese frosting staying on the fork. "Damn, your right. This is good." I said, licking my lips. Brendon licked the rest of the frosting from the fork, not breaking eye contact with me.

Who knew I could be so turned on watching someone lick a fork.

My mouth dropped a tiny bit at the sight. I shook my head and broke from the gaze and picked up my fork. "This cake tastes so good." I said, eating a fork full and swallowing.

"I bet that's not the only thing that tastes good at this table." He growled, his leg brushing up against mine ever so slightly. "What a tease." I mocked him. He smirked and began joining me in eating the cake.

It's weird how crazy he drove me sometimes. One moment I could be revolted by what he's doing, and the next I'm puddy in his hands.

After getting the check, which we argued over who was paying. Brendon insisted on paying but I felt rude letting him do it, so we bickered about it for a minute before Brendon told me he was paying and it was final. Brendon got up before me and grabbed my hand, pulling me up form my seat and away didn't he table.

"You guys leaving?" Gave asked before we could walk out of the door. "Yeah, thanks for everything. It was nice seeing you again." I said, giving him a warm smile. "Is he your boyfriend?" He asked bluntly, nodding to Brendon.

"Why is that your concern?" I snapped; which was probably rude but I didn't care at the moment.

"Well, you did kinda leave me hanging." He said. Ass. "What do you mean 'leave you hanging'? I told you I wasn't interested." I said, giving him the worst tone I could possibly could.

"Well, you wouldn't let me hit it so-" Gabe attempted to finish, but was stopped with a hard fist to the face.

"Brendon!" I yelled, grabbing his fist in attempts to stop his from swinging again, but he ripped it from my grip and continued to punch.

A total of eight punches later Brendon stood back up, examining the sad boy, bloody on the floor. Brendon stood up completely and wiped the little bit of blood off his face, "Don't be a douche, kid." He said before fixing his hair and grabbing my hand, dragging me out of the place.

"What the hell Brendon?!" I yelled to him, slapping his arm before one of the valet boys drove up with Brendon's car.

He opened the passengers door and allowed me to sit down, walking around to get in after me. "Hello?! Brendon?!" I yelled, snapping in front of his face before he began to drive off. He pulled up in front of the office, not replying at all.

"Come on." He said, offering me his hand when he opened the door of the car for me. "What's going on?" I asked, taking his hand and stepping out of the car.

"I can't take you home, to your place or mine." He said, his knuckles bloody and his hands shaking.

"Why not?" I asked, he pushed me against the car, his hips holding me against the vehicle. He wrapped his arms around my waist, I could feel his heart beating fast against my chest.

"Because I wouldn't be able to stop myself from ripping your clothes off." He growled into my ear, leaving me speechless. Brendon leaned in and hungrily pressed his lips to mine, letting me gain the courage to kiss back. God, his lips tasted like cake.

Brendon's tongue slid across my bottom lip, begging for access, before I could let him in I placed a hand on his chest and pushed him away from me.

"B-Brendon..." I stuttered, trying to collect myself.

"I've got to go."

Strictly Business // Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now