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This last week has been fun, really fun.

I feel like a Vegas girl, which wasn't a bad thing. I went to a casino first the first time since I was seven, which I only was there because of my dad's old gambling habits and our not being able to afford a babysitter.

I didn't play, I just watched Brendon absolutely demolish the dignity of all the other cocky rich men in the place. It was quite entertaining, actually.

"Miss Quinn?" I head come from Brendon's office door, as I was finishing his finances paperwork. "Mhm?" I sounded, not looking up to see who it was.

"I was told his girl was hot, but that was an understatement." The male voice boomed, causing me to look up to see who it was. It was a man around Brendon's hight, his posture uncomfortably good. He had brown hair and eyes, but not as nice as Brendon's. "Uh, Mr. Urie isn't here right now." I said, trying to play off what he said as no big deal.

"That's not a problem." He growled, walking into the room clearly uninvited. I rolled my eyes and moved the stack of papers off my lap to the couch. I stood up to see the man standing in the doorway of the office still, leaning on the frame.

"What is it you need sir?" I asked politely, walking over to Brendon's desk and placing them in their respected folder in the first drawer.

"Well, I was supposed to come here for business but seeing you is making me think I can fit a little play in." He said, stuffing his hands in his pockets. My face grew red from embarrassment as I stood up completely and brushed down my black skirt.

"I don't mean to be rude, but I need to leave. If you sit, Mr. Urie should be back from his lunch soon." I stated, attempting to keep it completely professional.

"That's alright, I wouldn't want a catch like you getting away too quick." He said, letting a grin spread across his face. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Sir, I've tried to be polite, please move out of my way." I spoke sternly, approaching his tall figure.

He walk to me, close enough to cause me to start walking back as he started walking to me. "Come on doll face, no ones around, I won't tell your little boyfriend." He taunted, backing me into a wall. My head hit the wall pretty hard, causing me to bring me hand to the sore spot.

"Ow." Was all I could say, but he didn't seem to care about the pain I was in, just the sexual favors he was probably playing over in his head.

His hips pushed into my pelvis and a leg lifted in between mine, making it so I was unable to move. "Get the hell off of me!" I squealed, attempting to wiggle from the situation, but failing.

He took my wrist and pressed them to the wall. All these things were far from sexy, not like Brendon would do them. They were sloppy and gross and... You get the picture.

He removed one hand from my wrist and roughly pulled one of my thighs up his side, pushing his hair her and higher up my skirt.

"Stop!" I kept screaming, my vocal cords straining.

Was this seriously about to happen? Oh god, tears began dripping from my eyes and onto my chest. "Get off of me!" I yelled as loud as I could.

Right before he reached my, area, he was ripped from me, causing my body to drop to the floor.

"Get your filthy hands off her Spencer!" Brendon's voice boomed, causing the man the tumble away from me.

Tears were streaming down my face heavily, my eye sight blurry with the dampness of my tears. I wiped my eyes to see Brendon with the mans collar in his fists, holding him up.

"Ah, Brendon. You haven't changed a bit, still messing with slut-" The man attempted to finish, but was cut off by Brendon's fist to his eye, causing him to fall back on to the desk. "She's not like the rest!" He yelled to him before rushing over to me, helping me up.

"Are you okay, Quinn?" He asked quickly, holding my face in his hand, moving it all over the place, checking for anything really.

"He... He touched me Brendon." I stuttered, a tear slowly rolling from my eye. His face grew super red with anger, he pulled me into a hug, burring his face my neck.

"Shhh it's okay, I need you to go sit on the couch in the hall. I'll be there in a little bit, okay love?" He said, pulling away from me. I nodded and started to walk out, and I heard a voice behind me, "You weren't that hot anyway-" but it was cut off by what I assume was another fist of rage from Brendon.


After about thirty minutes of my crying and pathetic whimpers as I sat on the hall couch, sitting far from Brendon's office but still in the same area, the door opened. I was facing the huge windows, not the door. I didn't dare to look and see who it was.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, which caused me to jump greatly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean I startle you." Brendon said quickly, siting himself next to me.

"He's gone, he just left." Brendon said, I was speechless.

"That was Spencer, the business man I told you about." He explained. I ran my fingers through my hair before turning to him. "What did he want with me?" I asked innocently, toying with my fingers.

"Nothing with you. He knew hurting you would hurt me." He said. My eyes moved to his, taking in what he just said. I didn't know he really cared about me this much.

He wiped the remaining tears from my eyes and took my hands into his. "I feel so dirty, Brendon." Was all I could manage to get out at the moment.

"I'm so sorry, Quinn. You don't deserve any of this." He said. I didn't reply, I just dropped my head and closed my eyes, attempting to forget all that has happened within the last hour.

"I want to shower." I said, standing up and avoiding eye contact with Brendon.

"I don't have anything to do right now, let me take you home. Please." He begged, standing up next to me. I nodded and straightened myself up before starting to walk down the hall with Brendon.

The ride out of the offices was quiet, I felt defenseless like a puppy. I noticed about half way through the car ride we weren't on our way to my house. "Where are you taking me?" I asked Brendon, probably startling him a bit.

"Home." He answered simply. "This isn't the way my house is." I said, furrowing my brows in his direction.

"My home." He said. Now wasn't the time to argue with him, because I knew in the end of it he would win. I just sat in silence for the rest of the ride to his house.

Walking through his front doors was oddly comforting. I couldn't really explain the feeling in words. Brendon took my hand and lead me to his extravagant room I knew so well. He let me sit on the bed as he exited the room and came back with a couple of things in hand.

"Here's a towel, and some clothes I had one of my maids buy for you. I think these are your sizes." He explained, handing me the neatly folded stack of fabrics. I nodded and walked into his connected bathroom.

This thing was huge, by the way. The room was just about as big as my bedroom. The shower was a big stand-up shower with a built in seat. The whole place was white marble, elegantly.

I undressed until I was down to about my underwear and bra, which didn't match that day. I don't know what came over me in that instant, maybe it was being in Brendon's bathroom almost naked, without him, but I figured he needed to be here.

I cracked the door enough for my head to see through, "Brendon?!" I yelled through the house. No response.

"Brendon?!" I yelled again, opening the door a little bit more, enough for my neck to poke out. After a couple seconds Brendon came running through, entering his bedroom in a panic.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked quickly. I smiled small and opened the door just a little bit more, enough for my hand to come through. I extended it to him.

"Can you join me?" I asked innocently.

Strictly Business // Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now