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Quick A/N... this is who plays Quinzel^ the beautiful Lily Aldridge.

Day 2-

I woke up in a hospital this morning, which wasn't the greatest way to wake up. The sound of beeping machines and people crying over their loved ones makes my skin crawl, but I can't, and I won't leave.

I looked over to see Brendon, same way I saw him when I went to sleep, tubes in his mouth and IV's in his arms.

His doctor successfully removed the bullet and patched him up nicely, but the bullet punctured a major blood vessel, broke ribs, and tore a couple cardiac muscles. I've been told to be prepared for devastation, because the machines were the only things keeping him alive, and if he can't survive without them, then he won't at all.

Something about hospitals always gave me creeps, they made me feel uncomfortable. This just put HE icing on the cake.

"Oh, Miss Quinn, you are awake." Brendon's nurse said softly as she walked in as she clutched onto a little clipboard for dear life. I could tell she was going to tell me some bad new because of how nervous she seemed, and I don't think I'm ready to hear whatever it is.

"Yes. What's the news?" I asked, standing up slowly from my chair. My back hurt from the little support the chair gave, and my head hurt from how much I had been crying. "Yes ma'am. His vitals are increasing, but that's about all we have. Now is the time people usually sign the paper work for what happens to him, you know, if something happens. Of course we won't rush you." She said, stepping a bit closer to me. I nodded and extended a hand to grab whatever she wanted me to sign, which I didn't think I would be ready to do, but I feel like I should rip off the band-aid now rather than let it sit and have it hurt even more later.

"You don't have to do this now, you know." She clarified, hesitating before handing me her clipboard. "I'm okay." I said calmly, looking over the papers.

I told her I would look over them and she left me to it. I sat quietly in the hospital chair beside his bed, tears threatening to spill from my eyes as I read the sheets.

One was a standard hospital sheet, everyone gets one wether you have a cold or have been, well, shot. I filled it out, dreading reading the rest of the pages before I even got to them. I wrote down his birthday, place of birth, sex, full name, the works.

I flipped the completely finished pages to a third page, the page that contained the "disposal" of Brendon's body. This page made me want to head as I looked at it, the use of words and the meaning behind all of them. It just made it all more real.

I decided an open casket funeral and then a cremation would be nice, because he once told me to burn him so there's nothing for the earth to feed off of. I know it sounds a like a joke, but it feels too right to pass down.

Brendon's as right, though. The world feeds off up like we are nothing at all. According to the shit hole we live in, we are just individual, useless beings that have a sad, desperate need to make our mark on the world. It's a stupid philosophy, even though everyone follows it like a train.

If you think about it, nothing really does matter. I'm not trying to get all deep, especially not right now, but it's insanely true. We all have this craving to be known, to be important, to have our name in everyone's mouth, one way or another. You can deny it all you want, but you know it's true. But, in the end, there will be no one to remember Shakespeare or Einstein, let alone me or Brendon. Sure, he will be very missed, but when that big star in the sky blows up and obliterates everything in its path, or whatever will cause the earth's total destruction, there will be nothing and no one to remember.

So, why should we try?

That's what I started asking my self for the rest of that day, as I ate crappy hospital food and drank hot cranberry juice from a machine. As I sat by the bed of the brain-dead love of my life, I didn't care to try anymore. Everything is gone, my amusement, my happiness, my hope, it's fucking gone.

My heart throbbed with intense pain every time I looked at him. I didn't want him to leave, but I really didn't want him to have to go down fighting. I know what the right thing to do is, for me and him, but I can't help but hold on just a little longer. Even though I'm not holding onto much.

Just a body and some organs.

I heard a knock on the door, causing me to jump from my daze into the closed eyes that were vegetable Brendon's.

"Sweetie?" My mother's comforting voice asked, her wedges making muffled clicking noises as she approached me. I forced a small smile to the corners of my mouth as she placed a hand on my shoulder. "Hi mom."

She kissed the top of my head before stepping away to grab a seat, which she pulled up next to me. "I'm so sorry." Was all she said, the whole time she was there, which wasn't long, because she was called into work about thirty minutes into us just starring at Brendon.

I'm pretty sure she didn't have work, she just didn't want to sit in the gloomy depression that is me, and I don't blame her.

She explained herself and kissed my cheek, leaving me alone once again.

In a situation like this, I'd never want to be alone, but now I just want to be alone. I want to be isolated, in my own world. Dead, maybe. I don't know, something that will get me away from all of this, all of this mess.

I stood and brushed off my jeans, collecting my self quietly before walking out of the hospital room, not looking back.

I nodded to the nurse before calling a taxi, and waiting outside of the hospital for it. I ordered for it to bring me to my, Brendon and I's home.

I packed a bag that would last me at least a week, some clothes, cash, toothbrush, soap. That's all I really needed.

And with that, I was gone. I don't know where I'm going, or when I'm getting there, but it's not going to be anywhere near Vegas, I can assure you that.

Oooooo, plot twist. I saw your guy's comments on the last chapter. You might hate me even more after this one. Love ya ;)
Much love, Ireland

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