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I rub my eyes before slinging my legs over the side of the bed, my feel touching the cool wooden floor. I pushed the very fancy covers from my legs, yawning in the process.

I'm confused, where am I? This isn't my house, or Dallon's, not even my parents.

Oh, it's Brendon's. I don't mind it, really, but why am I here?

The smell of waffles woke me a bit more, letting me get up form the bed. It wasn't silent, now. There were people, a couple other voices.

Those voices aren't all Brendon's...

I remember the route to the kitchen pretty well, so I slugged to the open doorway, making my way down stairs. Somethings off, I just can't put my finger on it-

Apparently I put my foot on it. I squealed a bit when I stepped on a toy car. Weird.

I continued to the kitchen to find more toys on the ground, this isn't right, why am I here?

As I stepped into the kitchen, I could see Brendon, feeding two children. One a baby, and one a toddler in a high chair.

"Look Jack! Momma's up!" Brendon squealed, pointing to my direction. I stopped in shock as the little toddler hopped down and ran over to me, open arms. He was beautiful, had Brendon's lips and nose, my eyes and hair. God it's crazy how much this kid looked like me.

Wait... Did Brendon just call me Momma?

"Hi honey, I just finished feeding Hailey, could you take her so I could clean up?" Brendon asked, walking over to me with an adorable baby girl in his arms, gesturing her to me.

"Uh-I, sure." I stuttered as I took the baby and he kissed my cheek, returning to the kitchen.

This is all so... Weird, that's all I can describe it as. I look down to the sweet little baby in my arms, all though I don't know it at all, it seems to know me, judging by the smile on its little face.

She's cute as well, looks a lot like me, like, a lot. My face, but Brendon's hair. "Hailey, huh? I've always wanted a little Hailey." I spoke to the baby girl in my arms, tickling her little neck. She was squealing with laughter, giving me a feeling I've always wanted.

"I love you." Brendon spoke from behind me as his arms wrapped around me, touching the little angle in my arms.

I've never heard him say those words to me. Never.

"I-I love you too." I stuttered, my voice caving a little from the tear forming in my eyes. "What's wrong, doll?" He asked as I turned around in his arms, bringing our baby between us.

"Nothing, it's just nice to hear it." I said as Brendon's bigger thumb wiped a tear from under my eye.

"I love you." He said I again.

"I love you too."

"I love you, please stay with me." Brendon spoke, this time sternly. I cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Wha-" I began, but he cut me off.

"Quinn! Stay with me!" He yelled, startling me.

When he said those words, all went black, my breath left me and so did that amazing scene I was in. What the hell is happening?

"Quinn, please! I love you!" I heard scream. It was Brendon's voice, but I couldn't see him.

"Sir, we're gonna need you to step back, please." An unfamiliar voice demanded, but his voice was getting more distant as he spoke.

"I love you!" Brendon squealed, but that was also getting more distant. I felt hopeless, I couldn't see or feel anything, it almost felt like I was falling.

I don't want to be falling anymore, I don't want the voices to be distant.

All of a sudden, there was light. No, it wasn't like the end of the tunnel light, it was like someone putting a flashlight in your eyes the second you wake up. Not very pleasant.

It took me a second, but I was finally able to see clearly, and kind of hear.

I was in a... Hospital bed? My arms have all kinds of crazy wires to them, and machines attached. I lifted my head a bit, which kind of hurt, "Hello?" I asked blindly.

"She's up? She's up!" I heard an unfamiliar voice call, followed by footsteps to the side of me. For some reason, I wouldn't more my head at all, I was permanently staring straight up.

"Hi Miss Sawyer. I'm nurse Kenish, you've been in a wreck. Once the doctor comes in he will get the brace off your neck." The voice said in a panicked tone.

A wreck?

I remember it all now, the hit, the darkness, the text. The dream that I wish was a reality more than anything at all.

After a doctor coming in a taking a hunk of metal off my tense neck, I was able to sit up.

"Okay Quinn, you have suffered mild injuries, luckily. That truck hit you pretty hard." The doctor explained.


"What about my baby?" I said, looking down to my stomach, my eyes swelling with tears. "We-Uh-Don't know yet." He said, clinging his fingers nervously to the ends of his clipboard.

"Oh." Was all I said. It seemed like I was calm, but I just wanted to curl in a ball and cry. My baby is important to me, what if something happened to her?

"Oh, and there is someone in the waiting room for you. You can walk if you would like." The doctor said in attempts to lighten the mood. I cocked an eyebrow at him, wondering who it would be.

It was Liz, probably, but a girl could dream.

"Alright." I said. To my surprise I was walking fine, almost like I'd never been hurt, but it was my head that was the problem.

"I have a terrible headache, is that bad?" I asked, looking over to the doctor. "No, thats fine. You have a small concussion. We will talk about everything after."

We walked to a small waiting room where an obviously worried Liz ran up to me with open arms.

"Oh my god, Quinn! I love you so much. Are you okay?" She squealed, squeezing me tight. "Yes yes, your gonna kill me." I said, urging her to get off me, which she eventually did.

"Did you see him?" She asked, grasping my shoulders a little too hard. "Dallon? No, and I hope I don't." I replyed, looking her in the eye.

"No, Brendon. He's been sitting by your bed side, even when you flat lined, he was there, screaming for you to wake up." She explained with a look on her face.

Flat lined?

Almost on cue, Brendon came running behind her, "Liz, is she up-"

"Hi." I said as Liz back away from me, letting him see me. "Hey, oh my god your okay." Brendon said, panting from the run over.

He walked up to me, barley any space between us.

"I have to tell you something." He said, taking my hands into his. "Okay." I said, grasping his.

"I-I," he stuttered. It gave me a second to see how much of a mess he was, his hair in all sorts of directions and his clothes unchanged.

"I love you too." I said, helping him out.

He smiled and laughed, "God I really love you."

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