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Brendon isn't one to typically like surprises. He once got mad because I made him breakfast in bed and didn't give him a warning about it. Who does that?

None the less, I love him and his weird prefrences. Me on the other hand, I love suprises. The rush of unexpected pleasure they give you warms me and leaves me wanting more.

Today is my birthday, and I got a surprise I defiantly didn't want. I think Brendon forgot.

I woke up this mornign with an obvious smile on my face. I rolled over to find that Brendon wasn't there. I removed the covers from my tired body and stood, stretching the slumber off me. I walked out of the bedroom the an angry Brendon pacing back and forth across the kitchen floors.

"Damnit Carol I told you not to sign shit without me there!" He yelled, slamming his left foot down before continuing his pace. Something about him was extra off today, and I didn't know how to pick it out.

I walked in and smiled at him, to which he ignored and continued pacing. I rolled my eyes and turned to the pantry, grabbing a pop tart and water bottle. I brought it to my room so I could start getting ready, I had work.

I'm not complaining about working on my birthday, people always do it. Plus I like hearing Nancy talk about her drama back home in the South. It's a lot different there than it is here.

After throwing on my usual blouse and pencil skirt, I grabbed my bag and phone and headed it of out room, finding Brendon all dressed and ready to go.

"Hey baby." He said as I walked in, smiling lightly up at me and then went right back down to his phone.

"Hi. So, how's work? It sounded violent this morning." He just shrugged and grabbed his brief case, "It could be better. Let's go."

I then started following him out of the door. I thought about how he didn't say anything about my birthday at all in the car or at the house, and it kind of tore me up.

We both walked into work and instead of giving me a happy birthday or a kiss he left to go to his office, ignoring me completely. I sighed a lonely sigh and walked over to the front desk, walking behind it and sitting next to Nancy.

"He forgot my birthday." I blurted out to her. She turned and gave me a pity face, "Oh no he didn't. How do you know." Her sweet southern accent soothed me a bit, but I just continued to blander about the events leading me to this conclusion.

"Oh, hun. That's awful. If it makes you feel any better, I got you something." Nancy said, smiling as she dug out a small box wrapped in a red paper. I smiled at her generous act and took the box from her, unwrapping it slowly enough to not make a mess of her work space. My smile grew and grew when I realized she got me a copy of my favorite book, "Go Ask Alice."

I flipped the page to see a big autograph from the author. I took in a huge gasp and looked up at her, "How did you get this?! The author is anonymous!" She grinned at my grand reaction, "EBay is a great place. But, I did some research to make sure it was actually autographed, so we didn't get punked, I swear."

I placed the book to the side and gave her a big hug, thanking her in the proses. After pulling away I looked at her and opened my mouth to say something, but was interrupted by a puzzling noise.

Nancy answered the phone, "Yes, she's right here. Alright. Bye." I cocked my eyebrow at her, "What was that?"

"Your boy toy wants to see you in his office. He says it's an emergency." Nancy joked, pointing to the elevators.

"Ugh. He probably lost the stock pile again. I'll see you later, and thank you so much!" I said, grabbing my bag and placing the book carefully inside of it. "You're welcome, come back when you can, today's gonna be pretty slow!" She yelled to me as I walked away from her desk. I waved goodbye to her as I entered the elevator and closed to.

Everything was pretty slow, no one in the elevator or on Brendon's floor, which is pretty typical, but not for a Friday.

I knocked anxiously on Brendon's office door, waiting with my hands behind my back. I heard him get up from his chair and walk over to the door, which was strange, because he typically called for you to walk in. 

He opened the door and a warm rush of air filled me, the smell of roses and candles filling my nose. Brendon's yelled aside and didn't say anything, just gesturing his arm to the office. I could see an arrangement of rose petals on the floor and couch, his desk and table. Candles were lit everywhere and the smile on his face sort of told all.

"Brendon, what's all this?" I asked, a little nervous for the outcome.

He stepped closer to me and ran his finger along my jawline, my eyes closing as our skin made contact. He brought my face close his and let his mouth wander to my ear, "You didn't think I forgot your birthday, did you?"

I smiled, "Of course not."

A little part of me knew something was up, but this wasn't what I was expecting.

Brendon pulled back from my ear and starred at me for a second, his hand warming the side of my face. I grinned devilishly at him and looked down to my shirt, unbuttoning the top button. Before I could start working my way down, Brendon stopped me.

"No, not yet at least. I need to tell you something." I furrowed my brows at his actions, but went along with it.

He grabbed my hand and leaded me to his couch, which was scattered in petals. Brendon sat me down and pulled a small piece of paper from his jacket pocket, opening it up so he could see the very tiny words written in it.

He took in a deep breath.

"Quinzel Sawyer. You of all people know how I am not a man of many words. I'm hard to communicate with and difficult to be with just about all of the time, but you some how manage to stick around. I know I get angry at every little thing and I yell at a lot of people, but never will you catch me being mad or yelling at you. You're the one person who has managed to take me, flip me upside down, turn me around, braid all my emotions and then violently shred them up, and still make me love you. I know I'll never loose that feeling, not with you."

I was crying by then, and he saw that. "I don't think I'll need this anymore." Brendon said, pulling the paper into two pieces and tossing it behind him. I laughed at the goofy act, but stopped once he began speaking again.

"Before meeting you, I was convinced that being with one person for the rest of my life wasn't going to happen. I thought that I would get bored of someone and then go on to the next, but it's all different now. With you, everyday is an adventure, even if it's just watching you watch TV without makeup on and pizza grease all over your face. You're the most beautiful goddamn human I've ever laid my eyes on, and I still don't deserve the privilege of getting to wake up next to you everyday. You, miss Quinzel have changed all my perspectives in every good way possible, and for that I thank you."

I've never really cried so hard in my life.

Brendon stood and pulled a small, black velvet box from his pants pocket. I never thought this day would come, honestly.

He got down on one knee and took my hand into his.

"I didn't want to do it like this. I wanted to be more extravagant and mind boggling, but I felt as though this was the right way to do it. I love you, so fucking much, Quinn, and I want to spend every morning waking up right next to your beautiful face, if you'll let me. So, Quinzel Sawyer, will you marry me?"

I smiled wide and nodded, for I was at a complete loss of words. Brendon smiled wide too and stood up, hugging me and spinning me in circles.

I will say, this huge diamond ring looks good on me, and so does Brendon.

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