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For the past couple of days Dallon and I have grown closer. I've learned he has a wife and two kids. His wife is beautiful and his kids look at lot like him. He seems like more of a friends than a boss, which can go wrong in so many different ways.

"Quinn, it's Saturday night and I've got a date to get to. Why hasn't Mr. Big-Bucks asked you out yet?" Liz asked me from the kitchen. I lowered the ice cream coated spoon back into the small carton.

"How am I suppose to know?" I asked, licking my lips. "For all I know he could have regret everything he said that night and never wanted to talk to me again." I said, closing the tub of ice cream and sinking into the couch. The fact that that was a possibility was disappointing.

"But you guys ate lunch together that day, what did he say then?" She asked, joining me on the couch to slip on her black heels.

"We didn't. I mean, we did but we didn't eat, well, I did. He brought us salads and then had to take a business call. That's the last I've seen seen of him." I said, sinking even lower, if that was even possible at this point. I have become one with the couch.

"Quinn, you have been wearing the same shorts and tank top since yesterday when you got home. You need to get up and go find yourself a guy." She said, standing back up and fixing her cocktail dress. Her hair fell perfectly down her shoulders and onto her strapless dress.

"You know, you don't have to wear tight clothing that barley covers anything to get a guy to like you." I said, pointing to her black dress that was riding up her thigh as we spoke. "Says the girl who is sitting at home on a Saturday night eating ice cream and watching Greys Anatomy." She said, eyeing me.

"Hey, I got the hottest, richest man in Vegas to like me, take notes." I said sarcastically with a southern bell voice.

"Touché," she replied, cocking a brow at me, "I'll be going now, don't watch past season 9, If this date goes bad I wanna come home and slunk with you." She said smiling, blowing me a kiss and walking out the door as a car horn honked at her. How rude, he could have at least walked up to the door to get her form the house.

Season 9, ep 1

Should I? Eh, why not. I let it play when I got a text.

What are you doing right now?

Uh... Should I tell him?

Watching Greys Anatomy and eating ice cream. It's a hard life.

I see. May I join you?

Let me think....


Yes, but you can only come if you bare ice cream.

He read it and didn't reply, and about ten minutes later there was a knock on the door. I went to walk to the door but was stopped when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Oh god.

"Just one minute!" I yelled through the door. I quickly brushed my teeth and washed off my face. I brushed my hair and put in a white tee shirt.

"Hello, Mr. Urie." I said opening the door. "Quinn." He said with a tone in his voice I couldn't really pick out. He had a bad at his side and a smile on his face.

I invited him inside, "Do you watch Greys Anatomy?" I asked, placing the bag on the counter.

"I don't really watch TV." He said, taking one of the small tubs of ice cream. "What? How do you not watch TV?" I asked in awe, handing him a spoon.

"I'm a busy man, doll face." He answered, glancing around the kitchen. "Hey, I know it's no mansion but it's good enough for Liz and I." I said, nudging at his side from over the white tiled counter.

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