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Three weeks have gone by. Not. A. Word.

Three fucking weeks! Dallon knows, Liz does too, but that's it. I don't know who else to tell without it being a big deal, because after all, when your a millionaire and knock up some intern, it's a big deal.

"Dallon?" I asked, knocking on his ajar door. I walked in to see he was on a call, so I just quieted down my steps and continued in with the work orders.

I set them all down on his desk in their respectful place and checked my phone, seeing it was time for me to go. I was leaving a bit early so I could go to the baby doctor and get a check up on fetus.

Dallon and I call the baby fetus because we thought it was degrading to call the baby a boy or a girl before we knew the actual sex. Now that I think about it, fetus is pretty degrading on its own.

Oh well.

I mouthed the words, "I'm gonna go," to him so he knew I was leaving. He put out a finger to hold me back.

"No, no. That's fine. Alright, bye." Dallon said, playing the phone back on the receiver line. He began to rub his temples in a stressed motion, "Some people are so dumb."

"Tell me about it. I've got to go now, I'll see you later." I said, a bit rushed. I really didn't want to make my doctor mad, considering it was a lot of money and planning to get him at this time.

Dallon shook his head, "No, you need support. I'm coming."

I laughed a bit, but I brushed it off after seeing the expression on his face. "Your serious?" I asked, a little relived. I didn't want to do this alone. I mean, I knew Liz would have come, but she has work and she's visiting her family for the rest of the week.

"One hundred percent. Now, let's go. Don't want to be late." He said, his voice getting a sarcastic preppy tone. Dallon held his arm out to me, urging me got take it. I did, and we walked all the was to the car, my hand grasping his bicep tightly.

He was toned, but not as toned as... Never mind.

Dallon is a sweet guy, really. I'd love to date him and maybe test some waters, but what we have now I'd hard to get back if we ruin. I'd just hate to see us tumble like Brendon and I did.

Dallon only opened doors for me when it was a nice occasion or if I physically wasn't able to, but most of the time he was needed to be reminded.

"Sawyer." I said I the man sitting at the front desk of the OBGYN office. It made me a bit unsettled seeing that all the staff was in bright pink uniforms. "Yes ma'am. Doctor Harron will see you in just a minute." The man said. He seemed more happy to be here than I was.

I nodded sweetly and turned back to Dallon, who was memorized by all the little baby toys. I giggle to myself before sitting beside him, which made him snap back into reality.

"We all good?" He asked, taking my hand into his unexpectedly. I didn't mind it, though. "Yup. Hey, will you... Come in with me?" I asked nervously, looking down to my feet.

"Of course. You never have to go through this alone." He said, kissing the tops of my hands. At that moment, I knew there was no breaking what we had, so there was no use in waisting it.

"Miss Sawyer?" A voice boomed through the room, taking me away from the daze I was in whilst looking into Dallons eyes.

I got up, not letting go of his hand, and followed the man to the back, letting him guide us into a doctors office looking place. The thing that was different was the ultra sound machine in the corner, which made me a bit nervous.

My instinct was to immediately squeeze his hand, letting him know I wanted him to stay close. He got the message, letting me know by squeezing back. I've never been so afraid of a machine before in my life.

"Alright, me and your... Friend, are going to exit the room for a second while you change into this gown." The doctor said, handing me a hospital gown. I watched them as they left the room and my nerves build up, being alone was frightening.

I did as the doctor told me and stripped off all my clothes, pulling the gown over my body. "I'm done!" I yelled though the door, hoping they could hear me and I wasn't just talking to a wall. They both came in as I sat on the table, my hands shaking.

"Hey, it's gonna be alright, I'm right here." Dallon spoke to me in a light voice, his hands gliding up and down my arms, warning them up. The doctor wasn't listening, so I was just honest with Dallon.

"I'm terrified to do this alone, Dallon." I said softly, my eyes squinting tightly before opening. "You won't be, I'm right here." He said, smiling small.

"No, I mean for the whole thing. I don't think I can be a single mom, I'm really not ready for this." I admitted.

"When I said I would be here for you, I meant for the whole thing, nothing's gonna stop me from being here." Dallon reassured, his hands stopping at my shoulders to pull me in it his arms. I needed this more than I thought right now.

The doctor coughed loudly to break us up, causing me to giggle a little at Dallon's frustration.

"I'm gonna need you to lay down and I'm gonna start your ultra sound." He said, bringing up the little monitor wand. I took in a big gulp and lied down, not letting go of Dallon's hand, which was instinctively in mine.

As the man put the unreasonably cold gel on my stomach, my anxiety got to me. What if the baby has problems? What if it's sick?

I think Dallon read my mind a bit, because he instantly spoke up, "Fetus will be fine, Quinn. It's all gonna be fine."

The doctor chuckled a bit, "Fetus. That's a first. Well, I have only good news, which is great. Your baby is doing great, and is about the size of an avocado seed." Dallon smiled and look back down to me, and for some reason, I was in tears. I've never been so worried about something, and to find out all is okay? That's amazing.

"I think I've got a new name for it, doll." Dallon said with a huge smile on his face, swiping his thumb across my under eye to catch a single tear.

I cocked an eyebrow, "What is it?"

"Avocado seed." He laughed.

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