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This past week has been... weird.

Brendon is distant. Not in the "oh no my relationship is falling apart" way, but in the "I'm hiding something" way. I can't find anything to tie to it, so I've decided to brush it off, because I'm not very over protective.

"Brendon, can you hand me my towel?" I asked, extending a hand out of the shower door, flailing it around like a toddler.

There was no answer though. Just a second ago he was shaving his face right in front of me, and now he's not. "Brendon!" I yelled, peeping my head through the shower door as well the find the bathroom empty, but the door wide open. I stepped out and grabbed the towel myself, wrapping it around my wet body.

Curiosity took me out of the room and down the hall, all the way to Brendon's office. He pacing back and forth, his heels clicking on the hard wood floors. He had a phone to his ear and a hand waving in the air as he spoke into the device.

"That's bullshit and you know it Kyle! The previous owners were fucking dirt poor!" He yelled, starring at his feet.

There was a slight mumble in the other line, and Brendon stopped pacing as he spoke, listening to whatever the poor guy was saying. "Fuck no! Offer them a million and if that doesn't work call me back." He stated, starting his pace again as he yelled.

He still haven't noticed I'm here, but I didn't mind. I found it oddly attractive to watch him work, well, more like blow up on people. The way his veins popped from his big forehead, and his knuckles whiten as he gripped onto nothing in anger, it's a rousing in the most unattractive way.

"Of course it will work! When am I ever wrong?!" He yelled even louder, causing me to jump, resulting in me almost falling because my feet were still wet.

"Whatever." Brendon spoke into the phone, hanging it up. He clenched his phone, probably crushing it in his hands.

"You okay?" I asked quietly, a little scared of the outcome. He quickly softened up for me, the rage in his eyes leaving and being replaced with sorrow.

Brendon smiled small and walked over to me, placing two hands on my shoulders, "Yea. Go get dressed." He said, taking them back and turning around.

Normally he wouldn't be this quiet. He would be all over me, because I'm a naked woman standing in front of him. Brendon's that type of person, which I don't mind.

"No." I said, tucking my towel back in so it wouldn't fall down my chest. "No?" He said, turning around. Brendon doesn't like to be disobeyed. The Losrr I talk about it the more it sounds like fifty shades of grey, which it really isn't.

"No. What's up with you? You've been distant, away. What is happening?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

Brendon just shook his head, "Nothing." This isn't right. It's obviously not nothing. This is something I should be saying, but he's role switching.

"Come on, Brendon! Talk to me!" I snapped, walking closer to him. "What do you want to talk about?" I asked bluntly, cocking an eyebrow at me. God I hated him some times.

I inhaled deeply, channeling my anger, which was about to show it's true colors. "Why have you been so far from me?" I asked, my eyebrows raising. "I haven't." He answered, not moving his face much.

"Bull shit."


"Why won't you have sex with me in this room?" I asked. I'm not gonna lie, that question has been burning into the back of my brain lately, making me a little on edge.

He just shrugged. He's put up a wall so he doesn't give off the impression he cares, and really don't think he does.

"Damnit Brendon just tell me!" I yelled, slamming my fist down on a table.

"You don't want to know." He objected, turning around to the large window that covered the wall. I balled my hand into a fist, bringing it up to my mouth to think. Think about what the hell he is talking about.

"What are you keeping from me?" I asked, letting the tension fill the room shortly followed by silence.

Brendon took in a deep breath, and for some reason, it told me this wasn't good. My heart started pumping faster, swear beads starting on my forehead.

"You want the truth about this room?" He asked, stepping closer to me, "Let me kiss you first. Let me kiss you a way I've never kissed you before." I was confused by the request, but right now I needed answers, and I would do anything to get them. "Okay." I answered, stepping a little closer to him.

Brendon's right hand reached my cheek, brushing the side of it as his fingers went into my hair, combing through it lightly. His other hand wrapped around my waist, to my back and pulling my body into his. It was always crazy to me how our bodies fit together perfectly, like puzzle pieces. I've never had that with anyone else, and I've always adored it.

My arms naturally dropped to the back of his neck, imaging our faces closer to one another's. Brendon's lips pushed into mine, feeling amazingly dreadful. That's always how I felt with him, amazing but dreadful. I've learned to like it, though. I've learned to ignore the dread.

He wasn't wrong, kissing him like this was foreign, nothing I've felt before, but it didn't feel happy. I don't know why it didn't feel happy.

I was flushed in that moment. I was flushed of all anger and hatred. Everything we've ever fought about was gone, out of the door. I loved that feeling, love. That's all I felt for him in this moment, was love.

After what seemed like forever, Brendon pulled away, tears welling up in his eyes.

"I cheated on you. Right here in this room. A month ago, I did it in this room."

That hatred and anger that went away, is all coming back to me now.

I started at him in shock, hoping he would pop out with "Haha just kidding!"

Spoiler Alert: He didn't.

I quickly pulled away from him, tucking my towel in a big more. I looked at him one more time, not desiring to speak at all. My head dropped to my stomach when he looked back up at me. Now I know what that kiss was, it was a goodbye kiss. He knew, and now I know.

I turned and ran out, going to his room. I quickly slipped on the maroon dress I was wearing the day before, not even caring about undergarments. I grabbed my phone and walked fast to the door, not looking back as I opened it and slammed it closed.

I called a cab, and with that, Mr. Urie was out of my life. I'm planning on making it for good, but that never a guarantee.


Hi... I love you all don't hate me plz :))))
I'm thinking about the end of this book, if I'm being honest. I've got content in mind for it, but I'm not too sure how you guys would feel about this book continuing or there even being a sequel. It just seems a bit continuous, and I don't want any type of boring content.

Much love, I

Strictly Business // Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now