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Holy. Shit.

The rest of the day I decided it was best to ignore both Brendon and Dallon.

I fiddled with my keys, attempting to find the right one to open my stubborn front door.

Finally, after numerous tries, I got the door open to reveal a lazy Liz, slumped on the couch. I stepped in and locked the door back. "I had a... Fun day." I said, letting her know I was there.

She look back and smiled at me, holding up an ice cream tub, "Tell me about it." She said, rolling her eyes. I put my keys and bag down to walk over to her. "What's up with you?" I asked.

She groaned and began, "I didn't get the stupid job." She said. I frowned, she really wanted that job at the photo offices down town. "Oh, Liz. I'm so sorry." I said. She smiled at me and handed me an extra spoon, "I wanna hear about your day, what happened with Brendon?" She asked with a sensual time in her voice.

I blushed at his name, "We- uh, had sex." I said. I swear I've never seen that girl jump up so fast.

"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!" She yelled, jumping up onto our coffee table. I gave out a nervous laugh and rubbed the back of my neck gently. "Ah, yes." I said.

She did a little victory dance, as she wanted me to loose the ball and chain around my leg known as my virginity. She finally stopped and then plopped down next to me.

"Why are you not super happy? Was it bed sex? Don't tell me it was bad sex. He looks like he would give really good sex." She said all at once. I laughed and placed my hands on her shoulders to calm her down.

"Calm down. It was amazing sex... It's something, more like someone, else." I admitted. She furrowed her eyebrows at me and frowned.

"Someone?" She asked. "Remember Mr. Weekes? He kissed me today." I said. She gasped and her jaw dropped. Me too, Liz, me too.

"Same day?!" She asked panicky. I nodded shamefully. "I have to tell Brendon." I said. She quickly shook her head in disagreement.

"Hell no, don't tell him!" She said. "Why not? He needs to know." I asked innocently, when I really didn't feel innocent.

"You lost your virginity to him today, you don't want him to know you kissed someone else that same day." She said. She did have a good point, but I still needed to tell him, wether she liked it or not. "He kissed me, I didn't kiss back." I said.

"Oh, well then tell him." She said. I rolled my eyes and stood up, "That's what I was planning on doing." I said in a snotty tone before walking into my room and shutting the door fast behind me.

I quickly texted Brendon, confirming that I was going to him house.

He texted back shortly after accepting my request and tell me I could come over whenever.

I quickly fixed myself up, touched up my makeup, you know. I made sure to put on a dark lipstick so he doesn't kiss me, I would feel too bad to kiss him after today.

The drive over there was... Weird. I was basically just think about wether or not I had feeling for Dallon, which I have come to a conclusion of that being a flat out no. He's an amazing guy, but I don't want him like that. Plus, I'm not a home wrecker, he has a wife and two kids.

I stepped onto his doorstep, which wasn't that familiar, considering I've never stepped inside it myself, only when I was unconscious and probably in Brendon's arms. I knocked on the door a total of three quick times, why did I remember that?

I'm so nervous, my palms are all clammy and I'm shaking intensely.

"Hello, Quinn." He said sweetly while letting the door swing open and keep going behind him. "Hi, Brendon. We need to talk." I said, trying not to make eye contact.

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