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Today is the big day, interview day.

I got up a seven and quickly made myself coffee. I had to be there at nine, but I was still rushing. Taking morning showers were always my favorite, they were warm and just set up a good day.

I made sure to use a new razor to shave my legs, so they looked the best they could. I used my really expensive shampoo that Liz bought me a while back.

I tiptoed to my room and changed into a white blouse and nice jeans. After brushing my teeth, I brushed through my shoulder length brown hair, I still had slight highlights in it form when I let Liz do my hair. I decided to keep it as it was, it's naturally straight, so it wasn't the worst look in the world.

I concealed my under eyes and lightly coated my alright dark eyelashes with mascara. This seemed like the right time to use my red lipstick, which looked a lot better on me than I thought.

I grabbed my keys and made my way out to my dinked up little blue car that my dad got me when I turned 16. I listened to Guns and Roses in the car to easy my anxiety.

This office building was huge, it looked more like the Empire State Building than anything. It stood out because of its dark marble outer walls. There were huge fountains that shot up to at least the second story. I felt a lump form in my throat as I walked up to the huge glass doors.

I quickly looked around to realize that I was way under dressed, which wasn't good. Everyone was wearing suits and skirts, and I was wearing jeans. I should have gone with the pencil skirt.

Walking into this office building was like walking into a five star hotel, except people were doing to opposite of relaxing. The walls were a deep red with golden accents ever where, and the floors were jet black tiles that were so shiny you could see your reflection in them. There were little golden flakes in the flooring too. There were many people in this first floor and they were running around like ants on fire, bumping into each other and not even being fazed by it.

It cleared up a little after a minute, so I was able to see the front desk. The lady looked me up and down and scoffed at my outfit choice. You and me both lady. "Hi, I'm here for the interview at 9?" I said in more of a question than a statement.

"You got an interview here?" She asked, seeming very snotty. "Surprising." She said under her breath. I gave her an evil glare and she shot back down to her computer. "Name?" She asked.

"Quinzel Sawyer." I stated with a bit more confidence in my words.

"Ah, yes. Mr. Urie has requested to see you for the interview. If you make your way up to the fifth floor, you will see an office with a golden door, sit across from it." She explained. I sat there for a moment before she snapped at me, "Go on now! Mr. Urie doesn't like to be kept waiting." She said.

I quickly scurried to the elevator, which was almost empty. There were two interns who were holding notepads and a clipboard in their hands, mumbling to each other. "What floor?" The girl asked. "Uh, fifth please." I said. She gave me a shocked look.

"Your going to Mr. Urie's floor?!" She squealed.

"Don't be silly, Fran, she's probably on her way to the conference room. Sorry, every time Fran sees the fifth floor she thinks of Mr. Urie." The boy said. They both looked around my age and they had stars is their eyes.

"Uh, yea I am actually. Interview." I stated. They both look at me in awe. "What? Aren't you suppose to be interviewed by him?" I asked. That seemed like the only reasonable explanation for him to request me.

"Um, no. Everyone gets interviewed by some smelly old guy for the internship. This never happens!" Fran said, squeamishly.

I started to panic a little bit. "Well, my name is Jeff and I hope you get the job so you can tell us all about what happened. And if you see us again, tell us about his office. No one ever sees it." Jeff said. "Oh, duh! What's your name?" He asked again.

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