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"So, Quinn. Mr. Baker here wants to offer you a job."

That's defiantly not what I was expecting to hear.

"A job?" I asked, watching Mr. Baker leave the room. "A job. He wants to make you his assistant." Brendon spoke in a pissed off tone.

"Why?" I asked.

"Why wouldn't he? He just wants some slutty assistant to fuck!" He yelled, pushing everything off his desk. I jumped at his action, my heart starting to race rapidly in my chest.

I cleared my throat, hoping he wouldn't snap at me, "Brendon, it's not that big of a deal. It's just an offer."

Brendon looked at me like I had just thrown away all his suits and burned his money right in front of him, his eyes filling with rage, "Just an offer? This means that other men want you! Don't you see that! I can't have that, you are mine!" He yelled again, throwing his cell phone against the wall.

I gasped as it exploded into tiny pieces, leaving a dent WAY too big for a phone, in the wall.

"Brendon! Brendon!" I screamed in efforts to get his attention. After the third time I yelled, he stopped throwing stuff, leaving his office a mess. I've never seen this violent of a side of Brendon, it scared me a little bit, more than I could explain.

"What?!" He yelled back, his hair a mess.

I quickly coward down, my heat rate going so fast it felt like it was gonna run out of my chest. "You're... you're scaring me." Was all I could say, I spoke so quietly that I wasn't even sure he heard it, but he did.

Brendon did the same, calming himself down quickly. He slowly walked over to me, making me hesitant to let him. I've never been scared of a person like I was right now, Spencer was a different thing, this was all new.

"Quinn, I'm sorry" He said, his voice lowering to almost mine. He extended a hand to me life I was a puppy he was too afraid to touch, like I would hurt him.

I took it, of course. Immediately, he pulled me into his arms, my body right on his. It took me a second, but I hugged him back, not wanting to let go. These past couple of weeks have been an absolute shit show for us and our relationship, any little thing will break us.

"Other guys might be attracted to me, it's going to happen wether you like it or not." I said into his chest my tears wetting the expensive fabric.

Brendon sighed, "I'm a piece of shit. I'm afraid of commitment, I'm rough, I don't know how to be soft and sweet like you need. It's just a matter of time you leave me for someone that can."

That made me cry even more, because he wasn't wrong. He can't give me what I need, he can't love me the way I need to be loved, which hurts like hell because he isn't lying. One day it won't be enough.

"Don't say that." I said, objecting my own thoughts.

Brendon was crying now, a lot less than I was, "Quinn, I'm afraid to loose you. Every little bit of me is with you and I can't take it back."

I pulled away now, looking at his watery eyes, "I have to tell you something."

He nodded, calming himself even more before I continued.

"You're right. You aren't good for me. You have made me into a person I never wanted to be and never should have been, but I'm here now. There's nothing to take me back to who I once was, and I won't want to be that person anymore." I admitted, telling all of the truth.


There's was silence. We walked away from each other and sat, starring at one another, thinking and hoping and wishing that we could pull through the impossible.

The sad part is, we can't.

"I have to go." I said quietly, slowly. A part of me died when I said those words, but they were words needed to be said.

Brendon shook his head, standing up, "No. We aren't giving up, you hear me?"

I couldn't agree with him.

"How?" I asked, twiddling my thumbs absentmindedly. "Therapy." He answered quickly, too quickly. I looked at him with an expression he didn't want me to look at him with.

"Therapy? You don't seem like the type." I said, cocking my brow at him.

"You are, though, and right now I'll do anything to keep what little flame we have going." He answered, running both hands through his hair in a stressed manor.

"Alright. You tell me when and I'll go." I said, tailoring my head to the side a bit. He quickly nodded, smiling a little bit.

"Thank you, I promise I'll make it work." Brendon said, walking over to me and placing his hands on either side of my face, cupping them with care. He kissed me passionately, feeling each little spark every kiss from that man gave me. I think that what's hold us together right now, those stupid sparks that won't go away.

I left. I didn't just leave his office, I left the whole building. Something about how sudden our relationship was tumbling was scary and I can't take it right now.

I want nothing more than to go home, hide and cry with Liz for the rest of my life, never see him again. But I can't do that, I have to attend his stupid Halloween party tonight.

Kill me.

Sorry for the short chapter, but I will be writing more today so I can't get in that Halloween chapter ;)
Love you guys <3
Much love- Ireland

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