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There was a plan that after the graduation ceremony,  everyone would go to this one guys house, and there would be a dance floor and food and all that stuff.  Of course, Brendon had to do a couple of things at the venue, so I told everyone to go without us and we would bet there soon.

I laid down on the stage set up they had going on outside and just took it all in. I was finished with college now, and I got the dream job I had been waiting for. My black dress was ridden a bit up my leg, exposing a little too much thigh, but I didn't really mind. Well, I didn't until Brendon came by and commented on it, "Damn, Quinn. Don't let anyone else see you like that, because they might want to steal you from me." He said, licking his lips. I scoffed and sat back up, my legs dangling over the stage.

"You know, all this is is a piece of paper." I said, diploma in hand.

"Yes, but that paper is giving you gateways to bigger things, the internship, other big jobs. Big stuff." He said, this time his voice didn't sound so snotty, it sounded normal, which I liked.

"We should get going, but I don't feel like going to an over crowded party." I admitted. Brendon smiled and played with the golden rings on his pinky and ring finger. "Well, we are going to because there will be paparazzi and I would love to show you off." He said, the douchebag tone coming back to his voice.

I rolled my eyes and got up, following behind him. He opened the door to the passengers seat, letting me in. We drove to the party, which was at a huge house that looked like a real party. There were tons of cars and drunken graduates walking around on the huge front yard, which is were the party seemed to be held.

We got out and Brendon offered me his hand instead of his arm this time, I gave him the "do I have to" look, and in reply he gave me the "of course you do" look. I slipped my hand into his, and I was flashed with cameras, which made me jump. Brendon pulled me closer and snaked his arm around my waist, I looked up at him to see he was posing for the cameras. They went away after a few second and we continued walking with our hands in each others.

I met up with my parents and Liz. I barley ever drank but when I did it was never good, saying I was a light weight would be the underestimation of the century. Liz gave me a cup with some sort of cheep liquor in it, which made me sick just thinking about the taste, but I sipped a bit from it anyway.

Liz and I danced on the out-door dance floor for a while before Brendon butted in. Liz was tapped on the shoulder, "Hey, Liz, right?" Brendon asked. "Uh, yeah hi. You can have her, but if you hurt her you won't be able to feel anything below the waist." She said before giving my hand to him and drifting off into the crowd of people. He slid both arms around my waist smoothly, pulling me into his body. I wrapped my arms around his neck when the speakers played a slow song. Everyone had gathered into couples, but we seemed to be the only sober ones her.

"You look absolutely beautiful, I don't think I've told you that yet." He said as the area grew quiet. "Thanks, but I think it's just the dress." I suggested, giggling a bit. Okay, maybe I wasn't completely sober, but I wasn't drunk.

"No, dear. Your always beautiful. I mean really, I see the way the other boys here look at you." He said. I laughed a little at his stupid comment. "No one looks at me. I mean, do you see me?" I asked jokingly.

"You're all I've been starring at tonight. But, yes. The guys jaws do drop when you walk by. I can even see it right now." He said. "Prove it." I said, trying to hide my blush as we swayed to the music.

"Do you see that boy over there in the hideous blue tux?" He asked. I looked over his shoulder and spotted him. "Yes, but he wasn't. He's dancing with a girl." I explained.

"Exactly. He was starring at your ass before you looked over. I mean, I can't really blame him, but that's how good you are. You can distract a man from his own gal, that's talent right there." He said, pulling me closer. I laughed and shook my head, lowering it down in shame. Brendon removed a hand from my waist and placed it below my chin, pulling it up to make our eyes level. I wanted so badly to kiss him, I'm not going to lie. But he wasn't worth my heart being broken over.

I quickly pulled back, "Do you want cake? I want cake. Let's go get cake," I said in a speeded voice. I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the crowd to the snack table. I grabbed two pre-cut pieces of desert and handed one to him. We began eating the vanilla cake, hoping to fill the awkward silence.

Brendon got a little bit of white frosting on his top lip, which drove me a little crazy when he didn't lick it off. I couldn't help myself, my OCD kicked in and I slowly took my thumb across his top lip, pulling the frosting off. We sat there and stared at each other for a second, Brendon took the cake out of both of our hands and placed it on the table, frosting still on my thumb.

He cupped the sides of my face and continued to glare into my eyes, damn was he sexy. I did something after this I probably shouldn't have. I pulled my thumb up to my mouth and spread the frosting across my bottom lip.

"You have a little-" Brendon said before I cut him off,  closing the space between us with our lips colliding. God, this is what I was missing. He kissed me back with passion, hard and sweet. He tasted, well, like vanilla frosting. We kissed until all of the frosting was off my bottom lip, and I pulled off. I looked into his eyes, which were full of lust and passion. I released my grip on his face and realized where I went wrong. I shouldn't have done that.

"Thank you for, uh, everything. I have to go." I said, quickly running to Liz, who had my keys in her pocket. I snatched them when she was grinding with a guy and ran to my car. She would be going home with that guy anyway, what's the harm?

I pulled out in a panic, racing down the street and to my house.

When I reached my home, I quickly ran inside and closed the door, I backed my body up to the door and fell to my ass, pushing my head into my knees.

I really messed up now.

Strictly Business // Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now