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Well, it's Monday and I've made a complete fool of myself. Graduation was amazing, don't get me wrong, but I knew I shouldn't have Gina to that after party.

But, I had to get over that now and be professional. Today was my first day of internship and I had pushed all of my Brendon feeling away, realizing that I was a bit too tipsy and it didn't mean anything to either of us. If it did, he would have called or something.

7:30am. I've got this. I shot up from my now messy white sheets and quickly made them, placing the throw pillows delicately in their respected spots. I took a shower and braided my wet hair to the side as I brushed my teeth, got dressed, ate, and did my makeup.

I wore a pair of light jeans with a navy blue blouse. My makeup was kind of plain, mascara and Chapstick, so it wasn't really makeup. I ate cereal and then grabbed my keys. I didn't have to wake up Liz today because she was visiting her parents for a couple of days.

Pulling up to the office was kinda weird this time, I had a parking pass for employees, so I was parked pretty close to the front. Starting off as an intern meant that you basically got coffee and paper work for the big guys until one of them likes you enough to recommend you for the office job there. Most people would dread an office job but I like the idea of it, the cubical, the people. It's peaceful to me.

Right as I walked into the door I was greeted with Fan and Jeff grabbing my arm and pulling me to the side. "Oh my god! It's true! You got the internship!" Fran squealed. I laughed a bit and nodded. Before I could reply Jeff was asking me questions about Brendon's office. "What color was it? Was he super hot? I've had a thing for Mr. Urie for the longest time." Jeff said, stars in his eyes as he looked up to the abnormally large picture of Brendon on the wall.

"Jeff is strangely gay, don't mind him." Fran said, I giggled and finally was able to get a word out.

"Well, you can have him. He was a bit of an asshole. He basically told me that he had to be by date to my graduation or I wouldn't get the job." I explained. Their jaws dropped. "What?" I asked.

"Your mystery girl?! OMG!!!" Fran whisper-yelled. "Mystery girl?" I asked. "Um, yeah. Only the mystery girl Mr. Urie took to the graduation he spoke at. He neglected to say the name, out of respect." Jeff said, jumping with joy.

"Oh, uh, yea that's me. If I tell you guys something will you promise not to tell anyone? Keep it between us?" I asked as they showed me around. "Sure, tell us anything, it's between us three." Fran said with a warm smile.

So, I ended up telling them every detail about the night, the touching and kiss and my regret. After just about ever sentenced they gasped. We were at the break room around the time I finished my story, they showed me around and told me who I was going to be assisting all this and next week. His name was Mr. Weekes, and he seemed nice by the way they described him.

They gave me a phone, "I already have one of these." I said, fiddling with the smart phone. "I know, but get another one for when Mr. Weekes wants to reach you." Jeff explained. "He's a hottie too." Fran commented. I rolled my eyes sarcastically and felt a buzz in my hand.

"Mr. Weekes wants coffee.." I said reading the text aloud. "Well... Go get it for him! His office is on the third floor second door on the right. Go get 'em tiger." Fran explained, I nodded and ran back to the break room, grabbing a cup of coffee that had the name Mr. Weekes already written on it.

I made my was upstairs and to the office they were talking about. There was a small plaque next to the door that read out Mr. Weekes name. I knocked and heard a mans voice, "Come in!" It yelled. I slowly opened the door to see a smaller office than Brendon's, the walls were a deep blue and the carpet was white. A tall slender man turned to me, he was dressed in a nice grey suit. He welcomed me in with a warm smile.

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