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It's been around a week now, and I haven't spoken to Brendon sense our fight.

I also haven't mustered up the courage to take a test, which is bad considering my options of abortion or keeping the baby.

I walked back into the offices today with three pregnancy tests, just to make sure. I took a longer lunch break so I could take the tests during that time.

I made my way up to one of the floors I barley ever went on, so I knew I wouldn't see anyone I knew personally. I've been on floor seven one o twice before, to run copies, so finding the bathroom there was gonna be a challenge.

I exited the elevator with about three other people, they all went their separate ways, so did I. I started walking up to the security guard that patrolled the floor, "Hello sir, do you know where the bathroom is?" I asked cluelessly.

"Sure doll, it's right down that hall and to the left." The sweet elder man said, pointing to a big hall on the other side of the room.

I smiled and swing my bag over my shoulder, "Thank you sir." And then I started to the bathroom.

I never thought peeing on a stick would feel so degrading. Three sticks was just weird, but I did what I had to do. As I was washing my hands and waiting, I made the sure all the tests were capped and put back in the bag so you couldn't see them.

I know how some of the woman here can be with their jealousy of Brendon and I's relationship. Or, what it used to be.

I pulled out my phone and started texting Liz.


Hey! Are you taking the tests.

Waiting on the tests, actually.

Oh gosh.

I know, I don't know what I want. Brendon wants it to be negative so bad, but babies aren't that bad.

Your right, but know whatever decision you make, make it about yourself. Not Brendon.

Thank you.


As Liz sent that last text, the timer on my phone went off, telling me it was time.

I looked around the room one last to make sure no one was there, and pulled the bag in front of me. I grabbed the boxes of each test and read on all of them, "Postive= +"

I took in a deep breath, and exhaled. My grip tightened on the bag before I lifted up the one side, showing the tests. I didn't look until they were all out of the bag and layed out in front of me.

I took one in my hands and looked as delicately as possible...


The next...


And the next...


Oh god. I'm pregnant.

I quickly grabbed all the test and put them back in their boxes, slinging the boxes in the bag and washing my hands. I did what I though was right, I went to Brendon's office.

My knocking on the door was harsh and fast, my nerves building up every second. I realized I was shaking terribly as he opened the door.

"Quinn? What's wrong? You look sick, come on." Brendon said, wrapping an arm around me. This wasn't the response I thought I would get after not talking for a week, but it's something I guess.

I sat down at his desk while he sat across from me, "I have to tell you something. Your not gonna like it." I said, gripping tightly to the bag in my hands.


"I'm pregnant." I blurted, bringing the box out and showing him the tests. His jaw dropped a bit, but I could tell he was trying to hide it.

"I- Uh... I'm sorry." He said, looking at the tests. "Sorry for what?" I asked, placing everything in the desk.

"I ruined your life."

"Far from that." I said, kissing his cheek.

"I'm sorry I lashed out on you the other day. A baby is a big deal." He said, taking my hands into his. "I know, but we need to figure things out." I said, squeezing into his bigger fingers in my own.

"We do." He agreed, sighing as if he was disappointed.

"I think we both know what's best." I said, convinced he was on the same page. "Yes." He said, his face staying almost sad.

"On three?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow.

He shook his head in agreement.


"Raise the baby together!" I blurted...

He blurted, "Abortion."

"Abortion?!" I yelled, slamming his hands down, and standing dramatically. "Quinn! I can't raise a kid! I'm only twenty six!" He yelled back, mocking my actions by standing.

"Twenty six is when you start to raise a kid! To try to have one! Abortion is out of the picture!" I said, my arms going in all different directions.

He signed and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Okay, fine. We can work with it."

In that moment I though he was getting on my page, on the whole 'being parents' thing. I sat back down, urging him to do the same. After he took in and exhaled a dragged breath, he sat in the same seat he did before.

He inhaled deeply, "Adoption?"

I smacked him. "What the hell, Brendon?! Your an ass. If you don't want to raise this baby, just say the words." I said, trying to calm myself towards the end.

"I don't want to raise the baby." He said. Wow, I didn't think he would have the balls.

I just nodded quietly and stood up, turning to the door. Before I put one foot in front of me to walk, I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Have a good life, Brendon." I said, and then lifting my hand from his shoulder. I could feel my eyes burn from pre-mature tears forming in them.

I think the worst part, was that he didn't even look at me. There was no eye contact, no glance back, nothing. No feeling with him. I should have listened to the rumors about the man with the reputation.

As I walked down the all too familiar hall, on my way back to Dallon's office, it all kind of hit me. I'm gonna be a single mother, of all things I thought I was gonna be, this was not it. My life is ruined.

Brendon was the man who single handedly ruined my life.

Congrats, Mr. Urie. You've destroyed a perfectly good girl.


Hey, I apologize for my recent off-the-gridness. I'm not sure why, but I just wasn't feeling writing. But I'm try to get back into it.

Thank you, and I love you guys!

Much love, Ireland

Strictly Business // Brendon UrieHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin