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I don't know what happened after that to be honest. The last thing I remember was Brendon holding me, but it was all dark after that.

Normally, I would wake up in cheap white Target brand sheets on my double bed.

Not today.

I rolled over to be blinded by a huge ray of sunlight that I usually wouldn't get in my normal bed room, which contained a single window. I opened my eyes very slowly and began to rub them immediately.

I grunted and rolled back over, opening my eyes.

These are DEFIANTLY not my Target brand sheets.

I was laying in a sea of deep red sheets that were softer than... Well, I don't know what's softer than this. My legs were tangled in them. I was wearing the same clothes I was last night, but my blouse's buttons were undone by two and was untucked from my black skirt, which was ridden up my leg a bit higher than I would like.

I attempted to sit up, but failed miserably when the whole room started to spin. After a minute or two I finally had the strength to swing my legs over the side of the bed and stand up. I walked over to the door, holding onto everything I could for support.

"Hello?" I called through the house. I don't know who lives here, but they sure can decorate. I stumbled into a beautiful kitchen with a white marble finish on the counter tops, white cabinets and a white back splash.

"Hello Quinn. Slept well?" I heard behind me. I tried to whip around, but my knees caved in before I would do a 180. Before I could fall the same man came in and swiftly picked me up.

Brendon. Of course.

"Ow..." I said, allowing Brendon to sweep me off my feet and into a bridal style and sit me on the cold counter top. My thighs froze up a bit at the sudden touch.

"Doll, you really have to stop over working yourself." Brendon said, rubbing circles into my back. I closed my eyes and let him for a moment. I'm still really pissed at him, but I just let him treat me like a princess right now. I deserve to be treated like a l fucking princess some times too, ya know.

"Brendon, why am I here?" I asked, my eyes still closed, my posture terrible. "Well, after that asshole slapped you, I stepped in and rupees him from you. You blacked out, probably from pain. Long story short, I picked you up and brought you here, Casa de Urie. Don't worry love, I slept on the couch. I would have had you in more comfortable clothing, but changing you would be degrading," He explained, removing his hand from my back and handing me a cup of coffee, "here you are, doll." He finished, handing me the mug.

"Thank you, Brendon." I said. That was all I could really get out at that moment. All the feeling for this damn man flood back into my mind, he respected me. That's hard for a man to do these days.

"Don't mention it, doll." He said. I sipped from Tim coffee for a while as I warmed up the cold counter with my bum. We talked about nothing really, the weather mostly. It was too awkward to address the elephant in the room at the moment.

"You should change." He said bluntly, finishing his mug. I nodded as he took the cup from my hand to rinse it in the sink. I hopped down from the counter, holding onto it for support.

"I'm really dizzy, Brendon." I said, placing a hand on the side of my head and clutching my skull. "Hey now, take it easy Quinn." He said, walking over to me. "Can you walk?" He asked, taking one of my hands into his. God I've longed for his touch.

"I think so..." I said, failing at walking like a toddler. "Never mind. I'm sorry." I finished. I felt like a burden to him at this point.

"Don't be sorry, love. Put an arm around my shoulder, would you?" He said, wrapping an arm around my waist. I did as he said and he swiftly picked me back up into his arms. "This works too." I said sarcastically, wrapping both my arms around his neck. He carried me back to his room.

He sat me down on the bed and walked over to a grand looking dresser. He opened it and pulled out a silky white button up under shirt, it probably fit him perfectly, but was gonna be way too long on me.

"Here. I don't have any type of pants you could wear really, sorry about that." He said, handing me the soft material. I nodded and walked into the connected bathroom, which was a black marbled masterpiece. Jaw dropping. I stripped from my clothes and didn't bother to wear my skirt, considering the shirt covered most of my body.

I walked out to see Brendon in only his boxers. I quickly turned around and covered my eyes, "I'm sorry." I said quickly.

"You can look... I'm not naked." He said. "Well, your an article of clothing away from it." I said, not turning around. He laughed and walked over to me, pressing his hands to my shoulders and turning me around.

I looked down to see his perfectly chiseled body. Damn, that man had one hell of a body.

"Damn..." I muttered under my breath on accident. I didn't mean for that to come out.

"Well thank you Quinzel." He said, his face tinted red a bit. How could I make Brendon Urie blush? Crazy.

"Uh- we need to talk." I said, trying my best to look back up to his eyes. "Of course. Follow me." He said, extending a hand to me, urging me to take it into mine. Of course, I did. He led me into a huge office room, with glass walls, much like the office hall ways, but it was lighter in here. It felt cozier. He led me to a single deep blue couch that was positioned to look right at a beautiful view for Vegas.

We sat cozily next to each other, the couch was more of a small love seat than anything if we are being honest here. He sat up right, but lounged all at once. I sat criss-cross on the cushion and faced him.

"Why?" I asked bluntly. He furrowed his brows in my direction. "What do you mean?" He asked.

I took in a deep breath and continued, "So, you admit to caring deeply about me... Twice, might I add, and then you just ignore me. I don't know who the hell taught you to get a woman's attention, but this isn't it. You confusing me and throwing me through loop holes. I've been trying so hard to forget you-" I was cut off.

"Quinn, I'm bad for you. Terrible, actually, but the last thing I want is for you to forget about me." He interrupted, running his long fingers through his hair.

I looked down to my hands that I was now twiddling with. "I don't... I don't know what I want, and I sure as hell don't know what you want. You can't call me yours and then not talk to me. You have no idea how much this has been messing with me, Brendon." I explained. He dropped his head down and let out a long sigh. "Commitment. I'm afraid of commitment, Quinn." He said.

"That's gonna be a problem, Brendon." I said, looking back up at him, but he was looking down shamefully.

"I really care about you Quinn, more than you could imagine, but I'm a Ba-" he said, but I cut him off. "Cut the shit Brendon. Your not a bachelor, so stop trying to be one. Your just an asshole, which isn't much better. I need you to make a decision right now." I said, picking his head up in my hand and making our eyes level.

"What do you mean?" He asked, puzzled.

"I need to know if your going to put in an effort, if your going to act like a real..." I attempted to finish, but Brendon butted in, "Boyfriend?" He asked, his eyebrows raised. "Never mind. I just, I need to you to talk to me, communicate, not boss me around. Dates, stuff like that. You need to tell me if you want that or not." I explained.

He grabbed my face and pulled our lips together, kissing me softly. Before I could do anything with my hands, he pulled away and brought his hands to mine.

He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, "Yes." He answered simply.

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