9am, my clock on the computer read, I had just been starting up folders and organising my empty space for the time being as I didn't have anything to work on. Just yet. I picked up my bag and reached for my red lipstick putting some more as most of it had come off during cup after cup of coffee. Walking out of my office closing the door behind me.

It was such a strange atmosphere; it was nothing I'd expected, yet everything I'd hoped for. The buzz of a busy place, nothing quite crystal clear, everything merging together. I soon reached the door marked 'meeting room' I looked inside and saw men and women with suits, either laptops or notebooks out in front of them. I quickly knocked and opened the door, heads turning to face me. The elderly looking man at the front of the room turned towards me.

"Ah, Miss Scarlet." He said while I closed the door behind me finding a place to sit. I quickly found one opposite Neal. "So glad for you to grace us with your presence" he said sarcastically.

Seriously? I was like three minutes late... "Sorry Sir." I apologised as the man didn't say anything but moved quickly onto what he was talking about before. Allowing me the chance to get out my notebook and pen quickly.

"So as I was saying" The man said before turning his back to me. Is this guy for real? " the victim was found on 89th, three blocks away from the last victim," he turned back to face us, his expression reminiscent to a statue, his cold, hard eyes digging into me.

Almost timidly, i raised my hand to ask a question.  " Agent Scarlet put your hand down, this is an office not a classroom." he sighed, looking almost exasperated. Across the table i saw Neal lift his notebook to his face to cover his snickering, like it was some kind of inside joke, and i was on the outside.

I snatched my arm down quickly, looking sheepish. " I wanted to ask sir, why are we covering such a small case? a double homicide isn't that big of  deal, shouldn't the state police be investigating this case instead?" i knew instantly that i made a mistake asking that, and the mans expression showed it.

He stared me down, his stone grey eyes darkening like a storm was about to hit. He straightened up,  cleared his throat, and answered my question " Because, Agent Scarlet, this is in fact the fifth homicide in this investigation. And many of our leads are pointing towards the unsubs are in fact a large gang organisation of the east coast, and the big boss is supposedly based here in New York. that is why."

I sat down more in my seat, wanting the ground to eat me up. I shouldn't have asked that question. I shouldn't have, what was I thinking? I couldn't bear to look anyone in the face, especially not Neal or Peter. I had started the day so well and now I was beyond mortified.

"So, in that case. Caffrey, Burke." He spoke making the two men's heads shot up. "I'd like you to take this case and you can take on whoever, just get this thing solved."

Peter nodded and Neal just looked at the table, "I want to take Agent Scarlet." Peter said, my head moved so fast I thought I was going to have whiplash. I could practically feel the man's disappointment for Peter. "That's okay right, Hughes? you said whoever. Right?"

Hughes didn't answer but then left the room indicating the meeting had finished, I looked over at Neal and saw him smiling at me. I couldn't help but smile back the things that Hughes had said gone from my mind. I stood up from my seat and made my way towards Peter and Neal.

"I can't believe you want me on this case." I said to Peter, brushing away the urge to tackle him into a hug.

"Lily, you were the most recommended out of the whole of your class. I want for you to prove yourself." Peter said, I tried to stop smiling but I just couldn't. Peter noticed this and just hid his own smile that I had created. "Don't worry too much about Hughes, he's just bitter."

I chuckled lightly and Peter smiled back at me. I looked over to my side and I saw Neal smiling at me the way I was, teeth out grinning almost beaming and his eyes squeezing shut. "Thank you so much anyway, I mean my first real case." I said my voice gaining in excitement as I spoke.

"So, before we get to into things we should focus on our physical ability." Peter said and I nodded.

"Wait a minute." Neal said from beside me, moving closer to me his arm was touching my own. "What do you mean physical ability? Have you seen me?" tensing his muscles so I could feel them moving against me, his skin moving against my own. I wonder what other muscles would feel like..

"Do you have to be so damn childish?"Peter said rolling his eyes while Neal looked down at me.

"It's all part of my charm." He replied winking as he did so. I rolled my eyes and shoved my elbow against his arm so he stumbled back catching his feet as he did so making me laugh and Peter laugh with me.

"Yeah that's real charming.." I spoke sarcastically as Neal stood up re-adjusting his blazer, looking down at his feet then back at me. His eyebrows furrowing as they rose up in a teasing manor and his bright eyes following my own.

"Is that so?" He questioned his voice lowering, the space between us seemed non-existent. My throat became dry for the second time today and I swallowed again. Yet again Neal eyes followed my body making my heart race and my legs seem weak.

I shook my head, realising were I was and steeping away from him. Bringing my heart back down to it's normal rate. At least for now.

Hi guys! please make sure to vote and comment I really love it when you do so you can tell me what you think, as always happy reading! Lily.

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