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"You sound like you're really enjoying it over there." Ian said from the phone speaker, while I put my workout clothes out on my bed. Then taking off my t-shirt that came to my thighs what I slept in.

"Yeah, it's amazing. You should've seen the look on Hughes' face when Peter said that he wanted me on the case with them." I almost squealed making my brother chuckle. As I began to get ready.

"I'm sure I can imagine, he sounds like a dick." I laughed at Ian's words and he laughed with me. "So what's Agent Scarlet up to today? Shooting bad guys? Putting people in jail?"

"Nothing quite as exciting as that unfortunately; I actually have to work on my physical fitness today for the case, because I'm going to be a field agent I have to train." I said looking at the mirror when all my work out clothes were on. Nike leggings, a white tank top with a pun written on the front, my Nike black shoes and I made sure that I had worn a sports bra so if I got too warm I could just take my tank top off.

"I thought you passed all your physical training in London?"

"I did, but I still need to train before cases." I said tying my brown curly hair into a ponytail not bothering to straighten it before hand. There no time and honestly if I'm going to be working out all day there's no point. Also the reason why I didn't bother wearing makeup.

"What time is it over there?" Ian asked, and I looked over to my digital clock on my bedside table.

"About quarter to five, in the morning." I replied, grabbing a backpack near by and putting in bottles of water, my purse, sunglasses, and a snap-back hat if I needed it.

"Well it's a good thing I don't have your work hours." He said laughing, I smiled and then picked up my bag and my phone turning it off speaker and putting it to my ear.

"Yeah well, I'd say it was a good thing too. Knowing your ability to stay in bed." I teased.

"You're just as bad as me and you know it."

"Yeah yeah, well I've got to go." I said getting my keys from the bowl on the dressing table.

"Alright Lil, just be careful." He said, he always said that. I guess I understand his worry seeing the job I had and I did appreciate it.

"I will, I'll call you tonight." I said opening the door and locking it behind me. "Give my love to mum and dad."

"Alright I will, have a good day."

"You too, don't spend all day in bed." I joked while Ian just laughed and I ended the call running down the steps and opening the door to the car park.

I quickly unlocked my car and jumped in, I opened my text messages to see the text Peter had sent me last night.

'Meet us at 5am at Tone house, 31st street. We'll be here all day pretty much so remember to grab some money if we go out for lunch. Peter.'

I put the address into my car and when it was paired I started the car, put some of my music on and existed the car park into the busy New York street.


After parking the car in the smallest place imaginable, making me want to scream at the idiot that had taken two parking spaces because he didn't know how to park like an actual human. I was at the gym.

Tone house was opposite a variety of shops including a McDonald's which the pure irony of it made me laugh. I opened the front door and I was greeted by a man on the receptionist table.

"Hello, how can I help you?" the man politely said, smiling his perfect white teeth. Why did everyone in America have such amazing teeth? especially when the food has so much sugar in?

"Yeah, I think so I'm meant to be meeting Peter Burke and Neal Caffrey?" I asked unsure if he knew what I was talking about, the man just nodded and confirmed that he knew them before handing me a small ID looking like card.

"Go up the steps and there are some lockers on your left, the gym is just next to it. The card will get you in." I took the card from his hand and smiled before thanking him and walking up the steps.

When I reached the hallway the lockers all had keys in them, I chose a random number and opened the empty door putting my backpack in making sure to take some water, my phone with my earphones and a towel with me to wipe away the sweat that was sure to come. Before locking it and putting the key in my leggings pocket and zipping it making sure it wouldn't fall out.

Thank god I didn't have to pay for any of the gym's services. When you are working as a job of the law you got free gym membership as it was covered by the government, since we have to train so much. I took the small ID looking card and swiped it in the holder, when it made a beeping noise and the holder turned green I took it out and opened the door.

When I walked in the gym the first thing and probably the strongest thing I smelt was just pure sweat. I sighed as I remembered the smell all too well from my training to actually become an agent in London.

I walked past the somewhat sea of people working out, trying to find Peter and Neal. I eventually found them, Peter was hanging from a bar doing pull ups and Neal was sat on a mat doing sit ups. When Peter saw me he smiled and jumped down from the bar and I walked towards him.

"Lily, I'm glad you made it." he greeted me making Neal turn his head and stop his workout standing up and smiling. The thin black material on Neal's chest was covered with sweat and was almost stuck on his upper body making it easier for me to see the outline of his abs.

"Hi Peter, sorry I'm a bit late." I said tearing my eyes away from Neal's body and walking towards Peter. "Some idiot didn't know how to park a car."

"Ah right." Peter chuckled. "Come on then, let's get down to business." He said as he clapped his hands as an alert and I nodded; moving towards a treadmill, placing my water and towel in the holders and putting my earphones in shuffling my fitness playlist.

I looked in the mirror that was in front of me and I saw Neal resuming to his workout, the tank top rising up from his stomach revealing his abs every other second making me take in a breath. I couldn't help the way my eyes followed him as he sat up and down looking intensely at his reflection in the mirror almost challenging himself. The way his arms seemed toned and his hands against his head, his fingers touching his hair. Tangled in the soft brown curly waves...

"You okay there Scarlet?" Peter asked as he looked at me, he was sat down on a rowing machine beside me. I could swear could see a hint of a smirk.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said too quickly to be taken seriously, Peter laughed lightly and shook his head before continuing. I looked in the mirror and saw my cheeks had been tinted a light red from embarrassment. Then in the corner of my eye I saw Neal looking straight at me. His blue eyes, looking down my body in my reflection in the mirror. Nervously I looked away and turned the machine on. Looking away from Neal's gaze and putting my music on louder.

I needed to focus.

Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I hoped you enjoyed the cheeky gif at the start ;) Please vote and comment as it really helps me and plus makes writing a whole lot easier if I know what you're thinking. As always, happy reading. Lily.

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