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"Wait, so Mozzie is like his partner in crime?" I asked as Peter just laughed nodding his head as he did so.

"Yeah I guess you could put it like that." He stated "All in all, Mozzie isn't that bad just a tad-" he said trying to search for the right word. "Forward, he knows what he wants just put it like that."

I nodded as my mind wandered to a bald, short man with glasses. I guess Mozzie and Neal have been friends from the very beginning, if they were considered partners in crime. I'd have to talk to Neal about him soon, if he was Neal's friend I wanted to meet him.

"But, I just wanted to let you know. Caffrey was and might still be, critically acclaimed the best art thief and forger in the whole of New York City." Peter said seriously and I nodded in understanding, I knew that I thought I knew Caffrey but in reality I didn't know anything about him. Not since Peter had told me everything, now I knew.

"I understand that, thanks for letting me know Peter." I said standing up and holding my handbag as I did so. Walking towards the closed door opening it.

"Scarlet." Peter said again making me turn around. "Just be careful with him, don't let him be a bad influence on you." I saw as Peter looked genuinely concerned, I knew what he was getting at. I thought about it myself actually, I thought that I was getting too involved with Caffrey especially since that night that I got drunk with Elizabeth. Maybe it was a good idea if I was careful.

But I didn't say any of this to Peter, instead I nodded said thank you for the conversation and walked back to my office. Sitting down at my desk, putting my handbag under my wooden desk and checking my phone seeing that Ian had messages me this morning.

'Have a good day at work, I'm going to an audition today so wish me luck!! Hopefully the love interest will be as attractive as your Caffrey (;'

I sighed as I looked at the message, your Caffrey. He wasn't my Caffrey, he didn't really tell me anything; and apart from my family Caffrey knew nothing about me. Well apart that he knew that I did find him attractive. But then again who doesn't? I sent my brother a simple message saying good luck for today and for him to ring me when he got home.

I then put my phone away, seeing that my computer had started and went on the internet researching 'Girl with pearl earring.' About thousands of searches came up about the image, I put my hand on the mouse and clicked a page that was titled.

'Girl with pearl earring, in new care? or in new careless hands?'

The page opened and I saw an article with a photo of Noah and Tom Middleton, they were standing together both with suits and bow ties. In the middle of the men was the small painting but to the right of the painting was another man. He had blue eyes and blonde dirty hair, he was smiling as he shook Tom's hand. I looked further down the article, maybe this was the man who gave them the painting?

I scrolled down and read the article closely. 'The girl with the pearl earring has been in the care of The Hague since 1902, but recently Timothy Hans or more commonly known Timmy has made sure the painting has been in the care of Tom Middleton and his son Noah Middleton. Critics had said it was a bold choice seeing as only four years ago Tom had showed an art spectacle. A one of a kind, only for it to be a fake. Tom Middleton had then been turned away from the art community. But this year Noah has invested in the New York Gallery putting it in his fathers name. A grand gesture of family, the grand opening of the Gallery will be hosted on the 28th of August, Friday at 8pm until 11pm. The formal event will only be guested by the most extravagant art dealers and artists.'

I looked further down and saw more information on the painting but that wasn't what I was interested in. I went to the search bar and typed in the words 'Timothy Hans.' a number of articles came up and I clicked on the first one that appeared. I looked down the page and my eyes widened.

"Oh my god." I said out loud quietly, I quickly went to the corner of the page so it would print. Rushing out of my room and then downstairs to the printer. Hurrying down the stairs two steps at a time and walking past Neal and Jones as they stood at the coffee machine.

"Lily you okay?" Neal called as I stopped walking and faced the two men. Both of them had a worried expression on their face as I just smiled in triumph,

"tell everyone to get back into the conference room. I have information on the man who sold 'the girl with the pearl earring'"

It was as fast as a bullet from a gun, Neal and Jones moved. Jones getting everyone from downstairs and Neal almost running up the stairs walking into Peter's room. I shook myself out of my happy achievement and walked to the printer.

Oh this was going to be good.


"Right." I said walking in front of the glass table where practically everyone was seated. "I've got some new information about the case and I think it's good. I've found the man who gave Noah the painting to give his dad. His name is Timothy Hans or more commonly known Timmy."

I looked around again at everyone's interested faces, I looked near the front of me and nervously smiled when I saw Peter, Jones and Neal. Making them all smile back in reassurance. "Now Timmy and Noah were old school friends, making Tom and Timmy's dad friends as well." I started as I walked around again. "But when Tom had been in the paper for an art forgery. Tom and Timmy's father had stopped being friends. Now the weird thing is Timmy's dad is never mentioned in the papers no one knows who he is."

"A better way to keep an identity hidden." Neal said lightly in front of me making me smile when he did. He really is smart.

"Yeah." I said and Neal smiled but I just looked back at my paper before I could do anything. "So, if Tom and Timmy's dad stopped speaking then why did Timmy give Noah the painting?" I asked as the group stayed silent except from Peter.

"Just for spite, that means that Timothy and his dad aren't as close as they seem."

"Yes." I said unable to contain my excitement, as Jones smiled and I calmed myself down remembering the situation I was in. "So, we need to find out why they aren't close. I think it's probably because when Tom and Timmy's dad fell out they made Noah and Timmy fall out as well."

"Quite the Romeo and Juliet story." Neal butted in making everyone snigger including me who just smiled.

"Yes but just with art, instead of love." I said and Neal smiled. "We need to find out why Noah gave Tom that painting and then we can get closer to the murder." I finished and Peter smiled almost proudly and stood up when the room fell silent.

"You heard her." Peter said clapping his hands and everyone seemed to stand up. "Get to work." Like working bees everyone hurried out of the room and made their way to their own computers. I looked back to Peter and squealed I didn't care if I sounded childish, I had just presented my very own theory in front of the FBI I had been waiting for this since I was five.

"Well done Lil." Jones said standing up from his seat and enveloping me in a hug and I smiled and hugged him tighter. Hiding my smile in his blazer and then pulling away to find Neal looking at Jones in a frowning manner. But that didn't matter.

"Thank you Jones, that was such a rush!" I nearly screamed and Peter couldn't contain a chuckle, I couldn't blame him I was behaving like a child.

"Well you better continue that for tomorrow when you and Caffrey go to the art gallery." Peter said and I smiled calming myself down. "Well done scarlet, I knew you'd be a good one."

There was my calm demeanour gone, but I managed to contain it when Peter and Jones left leaving me alone with Neal.

"That was a really good presentation." Neal said looking at me as I just smiled shyly.

"Thanks Caffrey."

"No problem." he said smiling, I felt my heart flutter slightly and Neal moved to the door opening it as I just stood there transfixed in what just happened, what I just did. "you coming Sherlock?" Neal asked and I smiled at my new nickname.

"Of course John Watson." I smiled walking towards the door, walking out as Neal told me why he had to be my sidekick and not the other way round. But I didn't say anything, I couldn't contain my excitement, especially for tomorrow.

Neal, Tom and Timmy wasn't going to know what hit them.

Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed this, if you did make sure to vote and comment. Happy reading! Lily.

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