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Neal seemed weird today, he was looking at me weirdly at work and it felt like he was over analysing everything I said. It was when we were having a brief meeting when I realised how weird he was acting. We all knew Keller was the reason for these murders and obviously I wanted to get on top of it. Imagine, my first case solving a murder case! Peter was standing at the front stating how we were going to block Keller and confront him.

"We'll have to attack when he's most vulnerable, when he least expects it.. the sooner the better. He won't be expecting us to be doing anything rash soon." Peter slammed his hands on the table. "We have to get rid of this vile insect and fast."

"Alright Dr. Frankenstein." Neal sarcastically said from across the table. "Don't you think it would be easier to starve him out? Wait until his resources are limited and then we strike?"

"Neal I don't think you understand the importance of timing." Peter retaliated back, and I went silent. It wasn't that it was a nasty comment to make or even that it was uncalled for, it was just I never heard Peter get so annoyed at Neal before. But I guess I missed a lot since I came here.

"Peter I don't think you understand what I'm saying" the tone in Neal's voice made it clear that he wasn't backing down and neither was Peter. Their body language had changed instantly as Neal turned stiff and he had his fists clenched, Peter doing the same. If I wasn't going to do something then-

"Listen." Neal said, "why don't we just wait a while and see what happens. Who knows, it could all change." A breath of relief left my lips and also admiration for Neal being so grown up about the situation; not flying to Peter but instead compromising."Give it two weeks, if he doesn't hand himself in or something happens then we go with your plan. Okay?" He said standing up and out stretching a hand for Peter.

Peter looked at Neal's hand slowly then back up at Neal and then at me. Until finally he sighed and shook his hand. "Okay Caffery" Peter said then looking at me. "It's glad to see you've made a positive improvement on Neal, scarlet." He said bluntly and then left. Closing the glass door behind him.

"Come on let's go get lunch." Neal said walking towards the glass door opening it and holding it open.

"Why did you want to wait?" I asked, questions running round in my head. It made no sense! "It's not logical, why would Keller just randomly hand himself in at the end of two weeks? Why can't we just go in and corner him now?" I asked. I stoped my rambling when I saw Neal's jaw tighten. His playful nature almost evaporated into thin air.

"Just drop it Lily." He snapped and then walked out of the conference room, I saw as he stormed down the stairs and reached for his phone in his blazer pocket. He stood at the bottom of the stairs and paced for about two minutes then stopped and got in the lift.

Why did one comment piss him of that much?


"Mozzie." I snapped as he answered the phone.

"Woah sorry princess what's up? Has lily not cleaned up the dishes?" Mozzie laughed back, any other time it would be funny to me and make me laugh and tell him to piss off jokingly but I was not in the mood. Not today.

"I'm not in the mood Mozzie. Look, we have to talk to Keller. Today, I am not taking no for an answer this needs to be over with sooner rather than later. We have two weeks to make him confess otherwise lily is going to get involved."

"Right, make your way to my place and we'll sort out a plan." Mozzie said understanding my tone and I ended the call. Storming into the lift and pressing the ground floor button as quick as I could.

I couldn't help but overthink situations in my head, Keller holding lily hostage, Keller laughing at me over Lily's dead body. Keller.. Keller... Keller. I was in a fit of rage and there was nothing I could do to stop it, each thought just sent me closer and closer over the edge, I couldn't help it. I tried not to lose it but all I saw was red. Driving to mozzies was a joke as all I did was speed down there. Lily didn't have a way home as we drove here together... it doesn't matter. She can make her own way home.

"Neal!" Mozzie said as he opened the door and I didn't wait to barge in. He didn't comment sarcastically and I was glad, because I wasn't in the mood. All I wanted to do was just find Keller. "I've got a plan."

Those four words were all I needed to hear.


"What's wrong with Neal?" Peter asked, sitting opposite me as I worked on my laptop typing away. I shrugged as I continued to type silently. I wasn't going to lie it hurt when Neal snapped at me. I didn't understand what I said to make him so upset.

"I have no idea." I said honestly, "I just told him that your idea made more sense and he stormed off." I knew that something was up for a while now but I couldn't put my finger on it. "He's been acting weird lately." I said as I stopped typing and looked at Peter. "He's been making phone calls to someone recently and won't tell me who, he's been more distant with me and then the next day all over me and now just randomly snapping at me. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I thought we were just beginning to actually make it as a couple and not just being under cover."

Peter looked at me silently. I knew what he wanted to say, it's what I wanted to say to myself but I was to scared to. What if.. "Lily do you think?-" Peter started but he didn't get a chance as I cut him off.

"That he's seeing someone else?" I suggested. Peter didn't say a word and that gave me exactly the answer I needed. No objection and no stopping my train of thought. Another girl all over Neal, always calling her up. Joking with her, laughing. Laughing about things we laughed about. Having their own inside jokes, joking about me. About how pathetic I was for staying with him.

"I don't know Lily" Peter spoke just above a whisper, I could feel my emotions getting the better of me. I didn't want this, I've been through this feeling of hurt and pain and I didn't want it to get the best of me again. "I don't think he would after what happened with Kate, but I don't know anymore."

Even Peter could see it. How fucking naïve was I? My breaths began to get heavier by the second and I could feel a lump in my throat by the minute. I knew Peter noticed as he practically rushed to my side to comfort me. Hugging me tightly and stroking my hair.

"I'm sure its just a phase he's going through." Peter comforted "We might just be overthinking, you have to ask him what's going on." I nodded through my sobs and I could Peter's sympathy over me. "He's stupid if he's seeing someone else you know" He said holding me at arms length. "You're the best FBI agent here, and the best friend that me or my wife have had in years."

I nodded, wiping away my tears and opening my phone to send a text to Neal 'We need to talk, I'll see you at home tonight.'

Hi guys! sorry I haven't been updating recently but I've finally finished exams and I'm now on my summer holiday!! so expect a LOT more updates. Thanks for bearing with me. lots of love

Lily x

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