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"You stupid bastard!" I yelled to myself as soon as I heard the door slam behind Lily. I had to tell her that I was seeing someone else, it was the perfect opportunity to get her away. To make her safe against Keller. I couldn't unsee that pain in her eyes when I lied to her. I lied straight to her face. I wouldn't dream of seeing anyone else, she was the one. She was mine, my only one.

"Fuck!" I yelled again, I looked down at my white clenched fists. I needed her back. She needed to leave me alone, all I want to do is to go straight to Keller and finish what I started. Why didn't I just tell her the truth?


"why didn't he just tell me the truth from the beginning?" I asked Peter and Elizabeth as I sat in-between the couple with a mug of hot chocolate in my hands. My bag was already upstairs in the guest bedroom, I felt awful for bringing Peter and Elizabeth into this but right now they were the only people I could trust. I hadn't stopped crying since Neal had uttered those words.

"I don't know Lily." Peter said putting his arm around me sympathetically as I leaned into Elizabeth's shoulder. All I wanted right now was my mum. Her comforting smell of perfume, her comforting words. The assurance that everything was going to be alright, that I was home. I missed home. I missed shitty English weather and I missed the countryside, I missed my brother, my friends and my family.

"He never really loved me." I stated, I couldn't put any emotion behind the words. I couldn't cry again, not one more time. I put my hot chocolate down on the coffee table and sighed, running my hands through my brown, wavy, distressed hair. Why did I let my guard down again? I never let anyone in and this is exactly the reason. I looked around and saw Elizabeth and Peter both unable to make a statement of what to say to me, which I smiled at weekly. "I'm sorry" I apologised and rubbed my hands on my legs before standing up. "I'm going to go up to my room, thanks for having me I really appreciate it." I said gracefully, I knew that if I didn't come here then I would've gone back home. I didn't know if it was the right choice now.

"It's alright you don't need to thank us, just have a good night sleep." Peter said comfortingly which made me smile as I picked up my bag and carried it upstairs. I couldn't stop tears falling as I walked to my now new room, I opened the door to find a single bed with a chest of drawers, and some shelves I guessed for books. I placed my bag on the simple white sheets and zipped it open before crying again as I realised the item that I packed in my panic and shock was Neal's red flannel. Why did he always come back to me? But then without thinking I placed it to my nose and smelled his familiar scent and it was like everything was fine again. Why did I always go back to him?


I couldn't control my temper as I sped past the red lights of New York, just a few blocks more. My ankle tag was sure to go off anytime soon but I didn't care, all I cared about was getting this over and done with. It had gone on long enough. Keller wasn't ending me and Lily, not now... not ever. She'll come back to me I convinced myself for the hundredth time even though I sure as hell didn't believe it. She was already vulnerable with other guys and now I've made it worse... beyond worse. But I wanted her to have everything. Because I love her, oh god I love her so much.

The beeping of my ankle took my thoughts away from Lily and I looked around to where I was. A broken down warehouse, white paint peeling, a smell of a fire and alcohol filled the room. I locked the car before walking into the warehouse, I took one more step then realised.

It was more than my boundary.

"Neal is that you?" I knew the voice before I saw the face. Keller. "Neal?" Before thinking I reached down and cut the anklet.

"Keller" I said walking towards him and seeing his face up close his dark short hair framing his structured face. "I need to talk to you."

"What's up Neal? Anything for an old friend" he said with a hint of sarcasm patting me on the back as I walked passed him. We were old friends and then it all turned, he turned on me.

"Why did you threaten Noah?" I asked straight to the point, smiling as Kellers face turned into confusion at the bluntness of the question. I wasn't playing, I needed all of this to be over no one knew I was here.

"It was the only way to get your attention" he smiled cooly as if I just asked him the weather.

"What do you mean my attention?" I asked turning back to him. "Why would you want to see me again?" I questioned but Keller laughed and invited me to sit down with him on a makeshift chair, I noticed a coffee table and two guns placed on the wood.

"We were old friends, I wanted to rekindle our friendship." Everything in his voice told me not to trust him. "Lily is nice too, got yourself a keeper with that one. Better than Kate I'll tell you that" he stated taking a sip of his whisky as he smirked.

Is he kidding me? How did he know about Lily? I kept her hidden, well at least I thought I did, I was hopeless around her. Vulnerable. It would be so much easier if I didn't care.

"How did you know about Lily?" I asked, clenching my knuckles until they turned white. I was so close to punching him, every breath that he took aggravated me more and more.

"I've been keeping a close eye on you, she's a pretty thing isn't she?" He knew he was taunting me, teasing and poking me until I snapped and I wasn't close. "But that's not why I wanted to get your attention for, that's another reason." He stated, leaning back on his chair and looking smug.

"What?" I asked bluntly, I really wasn't in the mood for this.

"I know who killed Kate or if she even is dead."


"Lily! Lily!" I heard Peter yell as he ran into my makeshift room without knocking. He turned on my light and looked at me apologetically. "Caffery's anklet has been cut, I know that you're hurt and you don't have to but-"

"I'll come." I stated, I needed to know what was going on.

Hi guys! Please say if you enjoyed this chapter and vote and comment if you did, happy reading, lily x

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