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"So he just gave you his number?" Ian asked in shock when I explain the situation that had just unfolded. As soon as I had finished from standing at the door like a freak I had rang Ian automatically.

"Well yeah Ian." I said sarcastically. "I've just told you that."

"Jesus there's no need to be bitchy." he stated as I just rolled my eyes. Taking off my flats and putting my bag down then laying on my white leather couch. "Why don't you just let him phone you if that's what you're doing and then see what happens."

"Ian I've got his number, not the other way round he put it in my phone remember so I'll have to be the one that phones him." I said explaining it slowly because he didn't understand the first bloody time.


"So?!" I nearly screeched. "it makes me look fucking desperate doesn't it?"

"He's the one who wanted to phone you anyway it doesn't matter." He said too calm for my liking. "You said you were just friends with Caffrey. Why are you getting so worked up over a phone call?" my brother asked, but I knew what he was implying and he knew full well what I was feeling.

"I'm not."

"Yeah you are." he retaliated childishly, I could imagine what would be happening if he was here. We'd be at other sides of the room, shouting at each other and telling each other to shut up. Weirdly, since I've moved we've became closer but I didn't mind. Not really anyway, he is my brother after all.

"Am not."


"Oh shut up." I said laughing. "you're not helping at all." I moved and put my phone on charge putting it on speaker as I got changed into my pyjamas. I didn't care if it was four in the afternoon. I was getting comfy.

"Yes I am you just won't take my advise." He said "I know boys better than anyone, I am one. Just call him."

"Not right now, he's just gone like half an hour ago." I said bringing some baby wipes with my to the couch and turning on my TV switching on my Netflix. "I'll watch some Netflix then ring."

"Alright then, I'll ring you in the morning." Ian said and I smiled.

"See you in the morning my little agony aunt." I said laughing as Ian sighed and then laughed with me.

"Bye weirdo." He said and then ended the call making me smile. I picked up the controller and clicked on my profile.

Thank god I have American Netflix now. British Netflix is never as good, as it doesn't have friends. I continued from where I was watching and I smiled when it was my favourite episode. The one where Rachel and Joey are a couple and Ross freaks out.

I could practically quote this episode. I brought my blanket to me and cuddled up against the couch resting on my pillows and putting my phone near my head. After ten minutes my eyes began to feel heavy and the jokes on the TV seemed to lose my interest as I fell asleep. A nap wouldn't hurt.


I woke up with a sudden jolt. I squinted my eyes and rubbed them as I noticed the TV was still playing friends but was on another episode. I unlocked my phone to check what time it was.

'6pm.' it read. I looked at my notifications and furrowed my eyebrows. I had texts that I didn't bother to see who they were from.

'Lily, it's Neal. Call me when you get this.'

I looked at when he had sent the message. 5pm. An hour ago, panicking I paused the episode and dialled his number in my phone. I brought the phone up to my ear and it took about five rings until he picked up.

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