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But that's not why I wanted to get your attention for, that's another reason." He stated, leaning back on his chair and looking smug.

"What?" I asked bluntly, I really wasn't in the mood for this.

"I know who killed Kate or if she even is dead."


"What do you mean 'if she even is dead'?" I asked, Kate can't be alive. I've looked everywhere. What would I do if she was still alive? Kate would be alive... but what about Lily? I've really fallen for this girl. "Where is she?" I asked urgently, my voice raising.

"Oh I knew that would peak your interest, but what about Lily?" He asked as he watched my face turn into horror and confusion. "Oh what a predicament you're in. Stuck between two loves of your life, how awful for you." Sarcasm thick in his voice.

"Jesus Christ Keller just tell me!" I said my voice raised now and shouting as I stood up, as soon as I stood Keller reached straight for the gun on the coffee table and pointed at me. I stopped in my tracks.

"Careful there Caffrey." He said cocking the gun so I knew exactly what he'd do, but oddly I didn't feel scared for myself but instead for Lily, Peter, Elizabeth. My family. "Now I want to make this fair." He said, and put the gun down and threw me the second gun which I caught instinctively. Without thinking I checked if the gun was loaded. It was, with one bullet. "Each gun has one bullet Caffrey."

"What're you playing at?-"

"I know where Kate is do you really think that you should be talking back to me?" He suggested, I stopped talking. I didn't know where my head was, I didn't want to lose Kate but I didn't want to lose Lily. Keller smiled and then continued. "She fled the country. The only person she told was me." He shrugged.

"Why would she tell you?" I asked scoffing as I did so.

"Because I told her to leave." He shrugged. My blood began to boil, I thought the love of my life was dead. He made me believe that she was dead, but yet she was just hiding. From me? Something wasn't right.

"Why?, why would you tell her something like that?" I shouted, my hand with the gun was shaking. I hated guns, he knew I did. Every time I held one gave me flashbacks.

"Daddy I want to be just like you when I grow up, I want to shoot bad guys." I squealed, rolling around on the floor of the witness protection program. Holding a toy gun and going to shoot anything in my path.

I couldn't even look at a gun without thinking to back then. "It doesn't matter why I told her to leave, but when she was 'dead' you moved on. With someone else." He said venom spitting out of every word. "How much do you think that hurt her? To see the man she loves all over another woman?" He was playing with me, trying to see where my emotions were.

"So this was it? Your big plan? Just to mess with my love life?" I joked, shivering as I was close to losing it. The gun in my hand seemed such an easy option.

"I know you caffrey, your love life is your biggest flaw as it entombs you." He spoke threateningly. Cocking the gun, and pointing it at me. "You just can't seem to separate your head from your heart can you?" He mocked and then without warning-


The pain was unbelievable, it was like someone had ripped out my guts and the only thing holding them together was the pressure I was putting on the wound. I couldn't help staggering backwards and having to lie down on the ground for comfort and support. My imagination ran wild, I could imagine the FBI cars driving up here, Peter shouting against the sirens and the gunshots.

"Caffrey." Kellers voice brought me back to reality. "You're a dead man walking." He stated before pointing the gun to my head to make a point and then leaving. Why would he leave? Where was Kate?

I looked around the old warehouse to see that red and blue light filled the empty space. I couldn't let my eyes open for too long, and somehow sleep seemed so much more peaceful.

"Caffrey! Where's caffrey?!" I heard a familiar soothing voice yell. Her footsteps becoming nearer and nearer before I felt her sit down with me. "No, no, no. This isn't happening." I heard her cry, I opened my eyes to see her. Her brown hair was pushed back into a messy ponytail, her blue eyes turned red from crying and the thing that made me smile. She was still wearing my flannel, Lily still wanted to be mine. "Neal, look at me you're going to be okay." She said putting her hand on my face and rubbing my check with her thumb as she did so. "We need to get him to hospital!" She yelled, obvious hurt in her voice as I looked back and Peter stood there motionless. "Peter, if we don't he's going to die" she continued and Peter started into action, bringing his phone to his ear.

"Shush." I whispered to Lily, her soft perfume numbing me into a dreamlike state. I brought my free hand up to her hair and started to play with it. "I'll be fine, please don't cry." But every word hurt me to say, I could feel my stomach practically opening up again.

"But Neal-"

"No, I'm sorry for being how I was to you. I never was seeing someone else, how could I? When you're so perfect?" I could barely fathom above a whisper. My eyes falling heavy again. Is this how it was all meant to end?

Before I could stop myself my eyes began to close and I felt Lily try and shake me awake. Try and help me but there was no choice. "I love you." I whispered, as I felt the darkness closing in.

"I love you too." I heard Lily weep and then kiss my forehead.

"Dad is that you?"

Hi guys hope you enjoyed this! Tad emotional, but final chapter is coming up!!! Please vote and comment if you enjoyed!

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