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I looked over at Neal as he walked around my office, his hands feeling the leaves of the houseplants I had put not so long ago. He walked with a purpose but I could still sense that he was agitated.

"What time do we get to go home?" Neal asked huffing as he put his hands in his trouser pockets.

I shrugged as I looked at the photo of me and my family on my birthday, they gave me it as a leaving present and I didn't have time to put it up until now. "I don't know, probably until they get a good interaction out of him."

It was now the afternoon and we still hadn't got a word out of Noah. We've been here since 7am and I wasn't surprised that Neal was annoyed. "Is peter still in with him?" Neal asked and I hummed in reply.

"I think so..." I said taking out my phone and scrolling down my social media and smiled when I glanced at a Instagram photo of my brother celebrating with his friends.

I missed him and his friends, they weren't so bad after all. George was alright, and his girlfriend was really nice although we didn't really keep in touch because Ian wasn't so close with him. But I still kept in touch with Caleb from time to time which was Ian's best friend. He was alright really, and a part of me wished that he liked my brother because they'd be really sweet together. They did everything together and my family always joked that they were like an old married couple.

I glanced over at Neal who was now sitting down opposite me and saw him flipping his hat and I was transported back to when I first saw him. When he flicked his hat and I thought he was unbelievably attractive.

Who would've thought after two months we'd be dating.

It still didn't seem real.

My eyes looked over as I saw Peter walking to my door through the glass walls, I quickly put my phone away and Neal looked at me furrowing his eyebrows as if he wanted to know why I was so quick to put it away.

"Scarlet." Peter said opening my door and putting his head through. Neal turning to he could see Peter. "Can I talk to you?" He asked, stepping in my office and I nodded.

"Is Noah still in interrogation?" Neal asked and Peter sighed walking over to my desk and leaning his hands on it. Before looking at me and back at Neal. What was the matter? That was a bad face a very bad face...

"That's what I wanted to talk about, Noah only wants to talk to you Scarlet." He said looking at me as I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"He jumped on me not too long ago and probably tried to kill me, why does he want to talk to me?" I asked, looking over at Caffrey and seeing he had the same expression on his face as me.

"I have no idea but he won't talk to anyone else apart from you." He stated and I huffed and then nodded. "You don't have to but-"

"I'll do it, it's fine." I said, standing up as I did so.

"Wait." Neal suddenly said from where he was sitting and I looked over at him. "Do you think it's a good idea?" In a worried tone and I tried to prevent a comforting smile which I didn't hide well. He was worried about me... "I mean, how will you know that he wont try anything else like what he did at the art gallery?"

"It's an interrogation room, we'll be right outside a one way glass." Peter explained as Neal relaxed his muscles slightly but I could still see he had tensed his jaw. "If anything happens we'll rush right in there don't worry." He finished talking to me and Neal and I nodded.

"The sooner we get this done the sooner we can go." I said to Neal, and looked as he shrugged.

"I still don't know." He wavered between letting me go or probably having an argument about how I shouldn't go in because something will happen.

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