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Ok so its storming really bad here, with loud thunder and lightning and bombs and nukes 'n stuff. Ya know just a normal stormy night.
I decided once again to make a horrible decision. So Ross(a youtuber) posted part 3 of the horror map Layers Of Fear around 6pm here. I decided "Oh look it is raining now and we are under a Flash Flood warning so I am just going to wait until 10:30ish at night to watch it cause that makes it cooler" Ya know normal  teenage logic. So as I was watching the map(keep in mind this was not the normal Minecraft horror maps I normally watch, but a real life one I only watched because Ross was doing it, and anything he does is Rossome.)
So as I was watching the map I got so into it that when thunder and lightning happened outside(I sleep on the top floor, so it is very loud) I may have screamed a bit at one point. So as you all know(if you read the rest of this book) that I don't do well with horror maps. But I decided to do it anyway so ye.
(A/N guys give me an idea, like a word or a phrase and I can make a short little one page story about it here. Please comment your ideas I am running out of raNdOMnESs)

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