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So have y'all ever been homesick?
Yeah.... I know this seems random, so ima going to 'try' and explain I guess?

So my family went up to our extended family Christmas and whatnot, then to where my dad lives TEMPORARILY because of his job... Rockport is a great touristy town, but I'm rely homesick.... We have only been gone like 3 days.... I miss home.

You can tell I'm being legit when its 12:29am at night when you write random stuff.... Y'all will get this tomorrow cuz of the NO WIFI ( ;-; help me please. Send help.) thingy.... So yeah.... ((I'm at McDonald's to update this))

Send help

Or free WiFi ;-;

I have good news though

The new book I'm writing is going ok I suppose, and I'm going to try and get out a few chapters before New Years. Consider it a Christmas gift to all of y'all. *cough* almost new years *cough*


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