Thanksgiving Spoof Part 2

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((listen to this so you know how annoying squids are))

----1 second after the last spoof cuz reasons----

Adam-  "I DON'T KNOW TY!"

The others come running in and gape at the swirling dark blue vortex that was open on the table, squids are seen climbing toward it.

Ty- "Ok calm down! Jason, Husky, and Ian go get the weapons." 

The three hurry off and start running down to the armory.

Ty- I turn to the others left. "Mitch, Jerome go find Seto. He's the only one who can close the portal. We need him or we can't close this." I watch them hurry off and turn to Adam, who is pressed against the wall frozen in fear. I walk toward him and put a hand out. "Adam you need to get up."

Adam- I look at Ty, my eyes still filled with fear. "O-ok Ty." I take his hand but right as I do a huge burst of violet light filled the room and a girl appeared. 

???- I step out of the black rip i made and it seals behind me. I turn to the two characters, my amulet swinging. "Yall need to get out of here NOW. Those are not normal squids!"

Ty and Adam both stared at the girl.

(A/N well. well. well. anyone up for a part 3? xD let me know what you think will happen, and who that girl is!)

(note to sparkstream if you dont know who that girl is, i shall be saddened)

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