Look on the Inside

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Have you ever felt so alone,
Yet around you are all your friends?

Have you ever felt dragged down,
Even when its not them?


Such a word often causes alarm.
But let me break it down to you what depression really means.

The darkness that smothers all light

The pit from which you cannot escape

The comforting blackness

The sickness of the mind

Something to hide

Depression isn't always a bad thing

Now let's look at the farce

Hide myself away

Spout the age old words 'I'm fine'

Hide behind those who care

Place a mask on my face

Don't let others know

You all know the farce
But hardly anyone knows the truth

The masks I wear
Often show no tear

Sometimes they crack
And that's when THEY attack

The voices are right
Why bother to fight?

The darkness approachs
The evil encroaches

A silent blanket of black
Often the silent attack

It sneaks up behind
And you whisper 'I'm fine'

You push others to talk
Yet when asked the same you simply walk

What's the purpose of life?
All I see is so much strife.

Can it happen to me today?
Can someone come to play?

And actually mean the action,
And not separate into factions?

These things I feel have one name
And its only purpose is to gain

Control over my life is what it needs
But no one cares when I bleed

Depression, my old friend
Alone at last, forevermore

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