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The four of us...

The book DRM...R

It was so much fun being a part of it, you know that?

I would laugh, and I would cry, and I would scream at my phone when things happened....

But... Now that book is over...

Becca... sent us all back... back to my boring life... back to trying to find a way to fit in... back to hell.

I know, I know.

"But Cassia, you're being silly! It's just a book that a kind author let you be in, sure you had fun, sure you made amazing friends, sure you found a new shipmate, sure you had fun, but isn't this overreacting?"

*sigh* maybe I am being silly....


Haven't you ever had a dream...?

A dream to be something.... More?

But.... Now I don't know if it's worth chasing those dreams anymore...

"Oh come on Cassia, it's just a book for Pete's sake! What is wrong with you?"

You want to know what's wrong huh? Well... Let me break it down...

When Becca wrote the first book, I was just another reader.
Just another random Wattpad users who liked the book, and left some comments.
Normal right?

Then. Becca did something amazing and let 3 of her readers in.


Why were we chosen? What's so special about the 3 of us?

At the time I didn't care.

So we entered the book. And then, because of the way the first book ended, we all were sucked into the second book.

I fell in love with the second book, hell it inspired me to add Becca to one of my books, and eventually I have plans to add all my friends.

I laughed
I cried
I wanted to punch some characters
Others I wanted to hug
Some needed to die
Others needed saving

"But what about you Cassia?"

Heh... 'what about you?'
The age old question

Me, I was happy. For the first time since 6th grade I was legitimately happy.
Happy someone liked me enough to put me in a book
Happy I had friends
Happy I was part of something
Happy I could escape reality
Happy that, well that I was finally happy

But now... You can't see me, but I just ate a piece of cake.
I... I was depressed/stressed eating...

Now I'm curled up on the couch in my grey hoodie, listening to FNAF songs, curled up and writing this.

Throws hands up in exasperation. "My God Cassia get over it already!"

You know what? Maybe

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