Power outage

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  Achievement unlocked: Scared for stupid reasons!

(A/N I'm writing this during the outage, but I won't get to post it until I get to WiFi)

   So. Everyone has had that time when the power goes out and no one knows why, right?
That's what's going on currently with me. Apparently the power outage is throughout town, and no one knows why.

Is it the government?
Is it some weird alien race?
Is this the end of the world as we know it?
Is this some kind of sick joke?
Or some kind of test?
Is something coming to kill us?
Is this like Nightmare on Elm Street all over again?
Or the Twilight Zone entering real life?
Is it Discord?
Or Tirek?
The Sirens?
Sunset Shimmer?
Midnight Sparkle?
Some dark magic coming to kill us all?
Is it like that one fanfic I read where Herobrine entered the real world and made it filled with despair?
Am I a captive of my own overactive imagination?
Am I really trapped in a coma, simply dreaming this?
Did someone play with stupid demon magic again?
Are we alone?
Cut off from the world, just waiting for out phone batteries to die?
No communication.
No way to signal for help.
Nothing to do.
No Wattpad.
No YouTube.
No data.
No WiFi.
Is this the end of the digital age?
Will we be heaved back to the paper age in seconds, just like in Artemis Fowl?
Who's to say this is even happening?
Who's to say I'm awake or asleep?
Who's to tell me if I'm crazy or not?
Who's to say the Skyrim soundtrack I'm listening to isn't influencing me to write this crazy stuff?
Who's to say we aren't all crazy, living our lives online?
Never pausing to look up.
To play with your siblings.
To be part of a happy family.
To unplug your electronic, to reconnect with real life.
To shun society's version of life.
To forge your own path.
To take your shot, to not throw it away.
To make friends in real life, not just online.
To know when its time.

I feel like this started out scary and then just wandered into crazy as I go back and reread it. Y'all don't mind, right?

After all, you're probably as crazy as me.

I know, I know. None of these are likely, some even impossible.

Ya gotta admit though. Its fun to scare yourself sh*tless when you're bored.

*shrug* Guess I'll see y'all when I get my WiFi back. Cya on the other side.

{Edit} The power came back.

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