Welcome to my mind *le troll face*

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(A/N This is not a dream I really had I just made it up because I remembered waking up from a 2 hour nap (high schoolers can take naps, don't judge meh) and my smartphone was burning hot because stupid me left it plugged in, playing minecraft songs on YouTube to help me sleep. And so without further ado let us delve into my strange imagination)

I was in a forest and it was rather cold and misty. I knew I was dreaming, so I figured if its my dream I can control it right? So I closed my eyes and wished for it to get warmer. As I wished for this I felt it get to a nice warm temperature, not to hot, not to cold. I opened my eyes and the forest had morphed into a sandy beach with pristine water and soft white sand. As I walked along the lovely beach I noticed it growing warmer. I figured that was because the sun was rising and I though nothing of it. I kept walking. Before long it got warmer and warmer. I decided to use my power over my dream to cool it down. I closed my eyes and though of where I grew up where it snowed every winter. It got a little cooler but when I opened my eyes the heat shot up again. The beach seemed hazy so I blinked to try and clear the haze. In the instant I blinked my surroundings suddenly transformed into a volcano. I started walking around it to see if I could find a way up because I knew if I fell from a great height I would wake up. Right? So as I walked around I noticed some stairs carved into the side of the volcano. "Huh" I thought "must be for the crazy lava goddess worshipers to throw their offering in" So I walked up the stairs because I saw no one so I thought I was good. Halfway up crazy worshippers captured me and carried me to the top. They lay me down where my cheek is touching a rock that is on fire. I wake up from the pain and my face is on my hot as fire phone.

Bye for now ma Weirdos!

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