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At the end of the day
There's only one that I trust

He hides his fears
Like so many others

Yet there are few days
When he shares his woes

And on these days it makes me feel wanted
The fact that I can help another is enough

But still I can see the darkness inside
But its up to me to heal it

I've traveled far and wide
Through my 17 years

And yet, I've only found one
One decent person in this world

One person who didn't look at me
And said 'Why bother'

One person who cares about me,
For who I am, not what I could be

One person who understands me
And doesn't make me feel inferior

And so, I end with this
A poem, a remembrance, a tribute


The darkness I hide within
Cannot be undone with a simple pin

It take a friend, an ally, a pal
It only takes one to help this gal

For years she's struggled here
Her only constant her crippling fear

Then came her year of life
She found someone to relive the strife

He was the first to give her a chance
And she wasn't forced to change her stance

Alone no more,
Sad and crying on the floor

She had found a friend to trust
And trust him she must

Once again she found herself alone
But then she turned and saw her phone

It was vibrating violently
And she stared at it silently

The Randomness That Is MeWhere stories live. Discover now