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"Come again?"

"Kira, come on!" Ace stomped dramatically a few steps back, "Why are you not taking this seriously? Why don't you take anything seriously? What the hell, babe?!"

"You're gay?!" She finally exclaimed.

"There! That's the reaction--that's not the reaction I want!" His expressions sped past agreement before relief atop confusion, until Akira threw her arms around his neck and spun around, laughing, "You're gay!!!"

"And you're weird." He pulled her away, "Aren't you supposed to like, be cold and shit to me now?"

"Cold? Why? This makes things better!!" She grinned, "I have a gay Certain! Best day of my life, to be honest."

"And why?" He asks quizzically.

"We have to tell the rest!" She grabs his wrist, but Ace set the soles of his feet firmly to the ground. Her face drew back, catching sight of the shadow that casted before his. "Ace...?"

"Kira, things might be different for you here, but I'm not exposed to positive reactions to this. Avery became my guardian at a very young age, and he learned my sexuality as well as what he had to do to misdirect people from it. I'm sorry for hiding this from you for so long, but I can't..." She anxiously cupped his cheek and held his hand.

"I can't bear to think that hiding this from you is stopping the both of us from being happy."

At this, she stepped away, confused for a reason she quite can't put her finger around. She was looking at him like he was a different person, a stranger, and that struck a chord in Ace's heart. True, ever since she accepted him as a Certain, there's always been that tiny, nagging feeling in her mind that contradicted with their bond. If she was to be completely honest with herself, it didn't matter if Ace was homosexual or even pansexual or whatever, because he was going to get as much love either way. She can tell that he wasn't being completely honest with her since the beginning, but what good did this do to them both?

"Let's not ignore this, Akira. The last person who hit me when he realized this, was killed by the first person that hugged me when I told her the truth. I want your happiness." He looked deeply into her chestnut eyes as she saw sadness and love shine in his ocean orbs the more she watched. "I know that's not with me."

"W-what are you saying?" An uninentional quiver in her voice emanated from her throat, and Akira ended up slightly clinging to him. "How...?"

"I love you. Akira, I love you." He softly said with a voice barely above a whisper, "But even if you tried, I know there's always be a thing or two I can't satisfy you in."

"Ace-" she wanted to deny all this. Akira wanted to stomp down on the demons in his mind, tell him that he's already giving enough with his presence, if what he's saying hadn't struck a chord or two in her. She knew he was right.

"I appreciate everything, but I know I don't deserve any of it. Not admittance into your house, not respect or acknowledgement from your family for being your Certain, and surely not an ounce of love from you."

He's talking nonsense. Akira wanted to convince herself that Ace was talking nonsense, which must be due to spending more time with the twins. The electronics there must have done something to his mind for him to be acting like this, because the Ace that she knew would never even think about doing such audacious actions to their bond.

This was no joke, though. If Ace is high or something, he is putting up a very convincing act. But if he was high or had any toxic things in his system, Akira would notice. She would notice, but she's not sensing anything. No fever, no alcohol... Actually, Ace seemed better than ever. That should've been enough to say that he was in his right mind during this very moment, but that only made Akira believe in the illusion she had put up for herself more.

"Ace, think about this. We could... We could build or-or maybe rebuild our bond because of this! You don't have to force yourself to act manly for me, because you're fine as you are! Think of all the things we could do that you once can't because of Avery."

"Kira, do you hear yourself?"

She took a deep, shaky breath, eyes dropping to the ground as the red in them morphed back to brown. She got into thinking but didn't really come up with a logical explanation for her recent actions. A few times, she herself noticed that she was going too far and getting too clingy to Ace, but he shook it off as a typical thing for his Siren to do, so why was he acting up like this?

"Let's just face it, Akira. I was never the Certain for you." He turned on his heels and made his way from her, but she just stood there, bewildered.


"Oh, it's Brother." Alluka cutely rubbed her eyes when she woke up, and Killua smiled, "Good morning."

"Yuki-nee, where are we?" That made her glance at Killua in shock, but Yukiko smiled as well, "The hospital. Onii-chan's friend is here, sleeping but sick."

"I want to help him get on his feet again."

Alluka was quick to learn Killua's intent. She let Something out, and Killua led her to the hospital bed with Yukiko at her other side. Killua pulled out Gon's hand for Something, and he froze at the sight of his bony hand. Barely audibly, he pleaded, "Please, Something... Please heal Gon!"


A strong force suddenly enveloped the whole hospital, enough to imitate the effect of an earthquake. Yet it wasn't what made Yukiko hold Killua's hand as Something was healing Gon. Killua glanced at her warily, "What's wrong?"

"I don't know." She whispered, "But I think something's going on with Akira and Illumi."

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