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Who is your favourite member of ATL?

It's hard to answer, it feels like I'm betraying whoever I don't choose. But if I had to pick, I would probably say Alex. He's just so adorable and way funny!

What is your favourite ATL ship?

Hmm, I think it's obvious... Jalex all the way man!

If you had to choose; The Walking Dead or Game of Thrones, which would you choose?

Oh my gosh, that's hard, but I would have to say The Walking Dead. I have watched it since it was on TV until now, whereas I only started watching GoT like three weeks ago.

My loyalty remains to Rick Grimes.

Dylan O'Brien or Tyler Posey?

You can't ask a question like that! Fan girls and boys will loose their minds! But I have to say...T'Pose...I'm so sORRY EVERYONE

Fave ATL song?

I'm gonna have to go with my gut; I Feel Like Dancin'

First person I obsessed over:

Probably Kendall from Big Time Rush (I think that's what they're called), he was cute don't judge.
(He's cuter now, like Ben from Neck Deep, sorry)

Current obsession?

Gonna have to be Game of Thrones, just started watching it and Robb dies like sTRAIGHT AWAY WTF

Favourite band?

Erm, I've been obsessed with A7X for as long as I can remember, so them, but my second would be Good Charlotte, I love their old and new music.

Favourite singer?

Easy; Amy Lee of Evanescence

Favourite YouTuber?

FilthyFrankTV & iDubbbz & Maxmoefoe
Honourable mentions; JacksFilms, LeafyIsHere, Vanoss...

Favourite book?

HOW CAN I CHOOSE? Probably Stephen King; The Mist

Any phobias?

Duh, I have loads, but I'll only include three. Okay, so don't laugh pls.
1) Butterflies — they scare the shit out of me.
2) All and any social events — I have social anxiety so I physically cannot.
3) Insects — No explanation needed.

Favourite Teen Wolf character/s?

Peter Hale & young Peter Hale. I like Peter Hale...

Why is Dylan O'Brien so hot?

We will never know.

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